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A rhinoplasty is also known as a nose job and is a cosmetic surgery procedure to alter the shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty can drastically improve the look of the nose and in a lot of cases the function as well. Rhinoplasties are not only used for aesthetic reasons but also to correct problems like a deviated septum or any other abnormality that could affect breathing.

A rhinoplasty is a major surgery and adequate care is required both before and after the surgery. Once you have undergone the procedure here are a few things you should expect during the recovery period and what you need to do to help the process along.

What Helps

The recovery from your nose job surgery starts as soon as the surgery is complete. You will feel a bit of grogginess as you come out of anesthesia but this will pass in a little while. You will experience some amount of pain, swelling and bruising after the surgery; this is all part of the process and will need time to heal. Here’s what you should do to help the recovery process along:

Have someone with you

A rhinoplasty is a major surgery and you will be in no condition to drive home after the procedure. Make sure that you have a friend or a family member to drive you to the center, wait there during the surgery and then take you home after. All reputed and registered clinics will insist on someone being there with you during the surgery.

Have someone stay with you

Aside from driving you to the clinic and back you should ask someone to stay with you for a couple of nights after the surgery. You will be in some amount of pain and discomfort and it is always better to have someone to help you out at home. You will also be under some restrictions about what you can and cannot do, so having assistance is advised.

Keep your prescription handy

Once the anesthesia wears off completely you will need your pain medication. Make sure to have bought all the post-surgery medication you require and keep it handy. The meds could also make you sleepy which is why it is good to have someone with you for the first few days.

Keep icepacks handy

You are going to need to ice your nose for a few days after the surgery. Make sure you have icepacks or packs of frozen peas in your freezer for easy access. Icing is crucial in helping the pain and swelling to subside so take this step very seriously.

Take time off

Be prepared to have to take at least ten days to two weeks off from work or school because your body will need the time to heal. You will need to avoid any strenuous activity and lifting heavy weights for at least a month after the surgery so prepare well to give yourself enough rest.

Sleep with your head elevated

Using a pillow wedge or double pillows will help to keep your head elevated when you sleep. Having your head higher than the rest of your body while sleeping will help to ease the swelling faster.

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What to Avoid

Just as there are things that can speed up your recovery there are things that can also slow it down. Here are a few things you should avoid after the surgery to make sure to heal well:


If you are a non -smoker then congratulations you are well on your way to recovering after your rhinoplasty. If however you do smoke make sure to take a break for at least two weeks after the surgery or longer if recommended by your surgeon. Your surgeon would have also advised you to stop smoking two weeks before the procedure, follow this advice religiously if you want to speed up your healing. Smoking slows down blood circulation which affects the healing process. Also if the smoke makes you cough it could lead to bleeding and pain after the surgery.


Your physician will give you a list of medication that you can take after the procedure and also of what medication to avoid. Tell your doctor if you are on any anticoagulants and be sure to stop the medication for the prescribed period of time. Medicines like aspirin, vitamin E supplements, and fish oil also act as anticoagulants and should be avoided before and after the surgery to prevent excessive bleeding. Consult with the doctor who prescribed the anticoagulants and your surgeon to know for how long you can safely stay off the drug.


Your doctor would have already instructed you on how much physical activity is permissible post-surgery. To help your body heal you need to avoid excessive physical activity like exercising or lifting heavy objects for up to 4 weeks after the surgery.

Missing appointments

You will have follow up visits with the surgeon scheduled for after the surgery. During these visits, the doctor will remove the splints, dressing, packing, stitches, etc from your nose. Your doctor will also check your progress and how well you are healing. If something is not right your doctor will be able to identify it early on during a follow-up visit and correct the problem. Missing your follow up visits will only hamper the healing process.

Rhinoplasty or nose job is a major surgery that requires a good amount of time for healing and recovery. The whole process takes about a year for the swelling to go down and the full effect of the procedure to be visible. During the recovery time, it is important to follow your surgeon's instructions carefully and avoid anything that will affect your healing.

By taking the right amount of care and precautions you will be back to normal in no time and looking better than ever. You might be impatient to show off your new nose to the world but if you go about it right you can enjoy the results to the fullest while being healthier and happier.

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When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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