Give Rady Rahban, MD a phone call at (424) 354-2053

Testimonials Nose Procedures

Who better to tell you about our unique practice than the patients who have benefited from our service. An extraordinary surgeon is inspired by extraordinary patients. Here are just a few stories from some of Dr. Rahban's patients.

Dr. Rahban talking to a patient

I'd always been unhappy with my nose, and after a referral from my tattoo removal doctor, I went to see Dr Rahban. I can honestly say that after I left the first consultation, I stopped looking elsewhere. Doctor Rahban understood what I wanted and didn't try to influence my decision.

"Doctor Rahban let me know exactly what to expect throughout the entire process, and the entire office staff were on call to answer all of my questions in the weeks leading up to the surgery.To anyone who is unhappy with their nose but is afraid of the surgery... IT'S NOT THAT BAD! I am a total baby when it comes to pain but the entire process was more uncomfortable than painful, and was over quickly (I took one week off work to recover)."

"After the surgery Sally (the office manager) was absolutely fantastic. She responded to my calls immediately, sorted out my prescriptions and checked up on me regularly. I have felt in the best possible hands the entire way."

"If you're looking for a surgeon, or just want some more information, do yourself a favor and go for a consultation with Doctor Rahban. His work speaks for itself and I'd so highly recommend him to anyone!"

"Doctor Rahban is an artist. I am thankful for the day he was recommended to me. My nose looks totally natural, so much so that people didn't click on that I had surgery- I just had a lot of people telling me I looked great recently and wondering if I had changed my hair or something."

Emily B.

Dr. Rady Rahban is 'rad'! :) "For years, it was a dream to get the huge bump on my nose taken off and my nose straightened, but the cost and other priorities in life always came into play and put that dream on the back burner of life.

"I'd experienced nasal problems all my life from really bad allergies to post nasal drip blockage causing vertigo. I'd always felt that the left side of my nose wasn't working too well, but didn't realize just how bad it was."

"Apparently I had a really bad deviated septum and fixing it would improve my left side to function better by 80%. So when Dr. Rahban checked all my nasal functionality and saw that he could improve it inside AND out, how could I walk away and put this on the back burner again?!"

"Sally Chacon, his Office Manager, made all the paperwork from insurance to finances painless, and the scheduling that she did was amazing despite some tight challenges."

"Em and the rest of his staff at his office, perfection and kindness every time I walked in the door."

"The Doc himself? Always so personable, easy to talk to, so knowledgeable about his craft and a true artist in every sense of the word. He is meticulous and makes sure his patients are taken care of in the best way possible. He takes his time in the operating room, making sure everything is taken care of and everything looks good. From consultation to surgery to post-op, he is very detailed."

"I am just about 2.5 weeks post-op and I am ecstatic! I can breathe much better and smell things I never could before, my nasal problems have somehow been diminished to a minimum, the huge bump on my nose is now non-existent and my nostrils look so much smaller thanks to his being so creative!"

"I love this Doc and his staff, and what he has done to improve my nasal functions and my look! So far so good, no signs of vertigo either! The only bad thing I have to say is now I don't have to go in for my check-ups as much and I will miss seeing this great Doc and his crew."

"I totally recommend Dr. Rahban. He is so understated but his work is world-class. I think the world needs to know that he's one of the best out there."

Ellen F.

Growing up as a teenager, I was always very self-conscious about a large hump on my nose which I had sustained during my childhood in an accident. Not only did my nose break, but it shifted a little to the right, creating uneven nasal pathways which had complicated breathing for me.

"It had been serious goal to get this fixed as I got old enough to consider surgery. Once I had done all my research, I decided to schedule a consultation. Being a 19 year old male with no surgical history, I was pretty nervous as to how it would go."

"As soon as I walked through the door, I was kindly greeted by his staff and was taken inside do see Dr. Rahban. With his enthusiastic and caring personality, all the butterflies in my stomach began to go away. I told him what I wanted to have done, but he also proposed to have him examine my nose and allow him to add any tweaks that would enhance the final product. I was surprised at how much knowledge he had. He knew more about my own nose than I did!"

"He then allowed me to ask any questions I had regarding the procedure, from pre-op to post-op, and everything in between. His answers were very informative and straightforward. As soon as I left to go towards my car, I knew he was the right man for the job."

"My surgery went flawlessly. I can still remember Rady giving me a quick pep talk before being put to sleep, and waking up from it and being greeted by him, reassuring me that the procedure went great. The nurse I had was so kind and tended me to my every need, but being as drugged as I was, asking for her name was the last thing on my mind."

"It has now been about 6 months post-op and I cannot be happier with the amazing job he did. My hump is gone, my nose is finally straight, and I can breathe better than ever before! The little add-on he proposed was to drop down my tip in order to give it a more masculine look. He told me this was the most difficult part of the procedure due to its general complications but I am very glad he did! It wasn't on my list of things to have done because I had never noticed it, but for him to spend so much time on something that I had not initially proposed is a true testament to his work ethic and attention to detail."

"Scheduling a consultation with Dr. Rahban has got to be the best decision I have ever made. I highly recommend him. From his office which he decorated himself, to his staff, and the experience as a whole, it would be a travesty to give him anything less than 5 stars."

Phil A.

At the age of nine is when I began to realize my nose was completely misshaped. My nasal bone looked normal at the very top end of my nose, but for some reason once it would begin to make its way down towards the tip, this huge bump would appear.

"Especially when I would smile, my nostrils would widen and the tip of my nose would curve down giving my nose this birdlike beak shape. Being only a kid I thought that my nose was simply just to big for my face and once I got older I would some how grow into it."

"One of my older brothers is an artist, he loved drawing caricature, so when we would all go out as a family or with friends, he'd begin to draw me, as always he would always make my nose the highlight of the drawing, he'd draw me on the shape of a parakeet or an exotic bird."

"As years went by my nose remained the same, and from all the remarks my brothers would say to me in front of people, my self esteem would go spiraling down."

"When I would look at my friends' pictures in high school or other family members I also had the habit of looking at the nose first. I would get desperate as to trying to fix my nose. I would research surgeons and watch shows like Dr.90210 and one would think that would help a lot, but it only frightened me."

"Seeing the procedure of the surgery, slicing your nose from the tip and the nostrils, lifting the skin shaving the bone and removing cartilage, above all breaking the nose with a small hammer, it all traumatized me. I pretty much lost hope, I didn't think I would ever have the guts or be able to financially cover the payments."

"One day my mother tells me she heard of a Dr.Rahban over the radio through an informative station she loved to listen to everyday. She had heard witnesses calling in all the time and the way he worked with his patients. He would not use computer based images to simply just brainwash a person as to what they see on a screen, trying to picture that a nose like Angelina Jollies would fit perfectly and look naturally on ones face. Dr. Rahban does his procedure taking into consideration the size of your face and head, aligning your nostrils evenly and giving the nose the proper amount of lift it needs to give the more natural and well-structured look."

"For some reason I felt comfortable hearing his well-structured plan, so I decided why not. A week after my mother mentioned him, I found myself sitting in front of Dr. Rady Rahban himself, as he examined my nose, asked me questions of what I expect it to look like, telling me both pros and cons."

"He drew up a small diagram of exactly what my nose would need to be done. He explained every single term and drawing, he even explained the procedure he was going to take and the medications I would need. Let me tell you he is EXTREMELY knowledgeable as well as kind and genuine. A few moments later I was sitting in front of Sally (office manager) as she put together finances and scheduling."

"The surgery felt like it went by quick, but I felt reassured that Dr. Rahban took his time making sure everything went well and looked its best way possible. After the surgery I felt no pain aside from the anesthetics. Throughout all my recovery period I did not experience one bit of discomfort or pain, I even attended my classes just two days after my surgery!"

"This surgery, though sounding like a small change, had a huge impact on me. I don't feel like something you'd see in a National Geographics Birds magazine, and I feel ecstatic to know I have confidence."

"It has been almost three months since my surgery and I feel and without a doubt look amazing. I am still expecting more change according to Dr.Rahban but over all the BEST choice I feel I made by choosing Dr. Rahban. I am 20 years old and I feel my new nose has opened new doors for me."

Nathaly V.

My sister and I both went to Dr. Rahban recently to discuss the problems that we have had with breathing for as long as we can remember. He was highly recommended to us by another physician in a similar field. He told us that Dr. Rahban would be the only doctor he would recommend or trust to do any surgical procedure on him or his family.

"As soon as we met Dr. Rahban and his staff we knew that we were in good hands. He was so personable, warm and understanding. He gave us his medical advice and understood that there were also a few cosmetic concerns that we had as well. He thoroughly explained what he could do for us, both medically and cosmetic. We felt that he was realistic and honest about the results that we would see."

"I felt that the most comforting thing about Dr. Rahban is that he always spends so much time with us. He has never rushed us or made us feel like we weren't his priority, in fact, he does the exact opposite. When we are in his office we feel that we are his top priority."

"My sister and I scheduled our surgeries on the same day. Dr. Rahban spent an incredible amount of time on each of us before, during, and after surgery to make sure that the results were perfect. It was also very kind and considerate of him to check up on us that evening after surgery to make sure that we were well."

"I have to say that my sister and I have not only fallen in love with our results, but with Dr. Rahban as well. He is an all around great guy and physician with a fantastic sense of humor. Both my sister and I would recommend him to anyone looking for the best results possible. Thank you Dr. Rahban for all your care!"

Dina S.

Dr. Rahban is more than an amazing surgeon, he's an artist! Everything from the service of his lovely and truly caring staff to the education-packed initial visits, I knew he was the right doctor for me.

"I first had a consult back in 2008 for rhinoplasty, and even though it took 3 years for me to move forward with surgery, Dr. Rahban and his staff never pushed me or made me feel uncomfortable for taking such a long time with the decision."

"Now, 3 years later, my finances and courage in place I moved ahead with the procedure. It has turned out to be the best decision of my career, and my long-time boyfriend says he's got a 'hot new girlfriend!'"

"Both he and I are truly elated with the results because Dr. Rahban made a nose for my face,not just a 'pretty nose.' That turned out to be the most important aspect of this process, because my nose looks real... and it's fabulous! I'm a total Betty, and I don't mind saying so myself."

Tiffany W.

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When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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