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Nose Functional Rhinoplasty

While the nose does much to define one's outward appearance, it is first and foremost a vital part of the human respiratory system. Just like any other part of the body, its function can become impaired, resulting in an array of mild to severe physical difficulties.

Dr. Rahban examining a patient

If you have difficulty breathing through one side of your nose, snore at night, suffer from allergies or notice that others seem to have a keener sense of smell than you, your nose is not functioning as it should be.

These issues can be addressed using one of several functional rhinoplasty procedures, such as septoplasty, turbinate reduction or nasal valve collapse repair. Read below to learn more about these different types of functional rhinoplasty procedures.

What is Functional Rhinoplasty?

Like many people, you may have learned to live with breathing difficulties, believing they are normal or untreatable. Dr. Rahban's patients are often pleasantly surprised to learn that their breathing issues are not only abnormal but are also easily treated, often through the use of functional rhinoplasty procedures such as septoplasty. Functional rhinoplasty is classified as any plastic surgery procedure performed to address and repair the function of the nose. This is different than corrective/revisional rhinoplasty, which refers to a plastic surgery procedure performed for the purpose of correcting a prior, poorly-perfomed rhinoplasty.

Corrective/revisional rhinoplasty may be performed to address issues related to function or aesthetics, or both, whereas functional surgery is done for the specific purpose of targeting physical abnormalities and medical issues. Because functional rhinoplasty is necessary in the treatment of certain medical conditions, it may be covered by one's health insurance plan. If you have difficulty breathing through your nose, contact Dr. Rady Rahban, one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons Beverly Hills can lay claim to.

woman smiling, looking over her shoulder

Combining Functional & Aesthetic Rhinoplasty in One Surgery

For those patients experiencing breathing difficulties, who are also considering rhinoplasty for cosmetic purposes, Dr. Rahban is perfectly suited as he offers the unique option of having both concerns addressed in one procedure. Often patients believe their only option for the treatment of functional issues is an ear, nose and throat specialist. However, for obvious reasons, most patients are not comfortable letting such a doctor do work to alter the physical appearance of their nose. As a result some patients make the error of having these issues separately treated, visiting an ear, nose and throat specialist for functional nose surgery and enduring a second surgery with their plastic surgeon to fulfill their aesthetic desires. This of course means two recovery periods, twice the risk of surgical complication and increased discomfort and downtime. What these patients don’t realize is that Dr. Rahban, with his extensive experience and training, is highly qualified to address all aspects of the nose. In fact, Dr. Rahban’s unique approach to reconstructing the nose from the inside out makes him the best possible choice for someone in need of both functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty.

The Rahban Difference

It’s true that patients who come to Dr. Rahban to address their functional and aesthetic issues benefit from the ease and simplicity of a single surgery, but the real advantage of doing so lies in Dr. Rahban’s unique approach.

Most plastic surgeons apply a “reductive” methodology when performing a rhinoplasty, meaning they attempt to give the patient the look they want by removing or taking away parts of the nose. While this method may initially give a patient the appearance they desire, it dramatically weakens the nose and can lead to later scarring, breathing problems and even gradual nasal collapse.

Over the years Dr. Rahban has developed and perfected a superior approach referred to as “reconstructive” rhinoplasty. This approach is based on the idea that proper rhinoplasty requires not just reshaping but rebuilding of the nose. Using fundamental concepts from the fields of architecture and engineering, Dr. Rahban utilizes a patient’s own cartilage to build “beams” and “struts,” which reinforce the nose wherever it has been weakened by the procedure.

In those cases where Dr. Rahban performs a functional rhinoplasty (such as septoplasty) in conjunction with a cosmetic rhinoplasty he is actually able to use the same cartilage that is obstructing the patient’s inner airway to reinforce the outer nose. Dr. Rahban’s reconstruction based approach to rhinoplasty has been proven to deliver superior aesthetic results. Most importantly it ensures that patients do not wind up suffering from the scarring, nasal collapse and breathing issues that so often plague rhinoplasty patients.

Dr. Rahban's goal is to create an optimum nose from the inside out. The result is a nose with both an aesthetically pleasing form and dramatically improved respiratory function. Many patients don't realize, until after functional surgery, the degree to which their breathing was previously impaired. With their functional conditions addressed, individuals commonly experience an unexpected renewal in quality of life. In many cases, dependent upon the severity of the patient's breathing issues, the functional rhinoplasty portion of this procedure may be covered by health insurance.

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Member of The Rhinoplasty Society

The Rhinoplasty Society has stringent requirements for entry. From their website: “Members must be persons who perform plastic surgery or facial plastic surgery and who are board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery… or an equivalent foreign examining board. Three years’ active practice in the field of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery… is a must. Active members must show contributions to the education of rhinoplasty surgeons by teaching and publishing." Dr. Rahban is proud to be a contributing member of this prestigious establishment.

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Dr. Rahban's Philosophy Five things you don't want

A nose with a pinpoint tip

This nose is called a "Woody Woodpecker" nose, and it is a sign of an overzealous surgeon. When a full, flat or round tip is corrected too much, it can narrow down to a pointy tip that looks, well, unnatural.

A nose with a "ski slope" scoop

Often with a nose job, says Dr. Rahban, less is more. If you have a hump on the bridge of your nose, too often an inexperienced or careless surgeon will remove not just the hump. The result is a nose with a scooped bridge. This type of nose also looks unnatural, particularly on a man.

A nose that is over-rotated

If you have started with a nose that droops down at the tip, you'll want it corrected so that it is straight. But if you go to a surgeon who isn't careful, you can wind up with a nose that is over-rotated, with nostrils pushed upward at an angle that is unnatural.

A super narrow nose

Maybe you've seen someone with this nose job: their nose looks impossibly thin and fragile. Too much has been removed. The nose looks unnatural - and it may take corrective surgery to help you breathe.

A nose with collapsed nostrils

If your nose looks tiny and perfect right after your surgery, that can be a red flag. The swelling in your nose will take over a year to completely subside. This means that if your nose is really small right after surgery, it will probably be too small after a year or two. And if the nasal support has not been rebuilt or left intact, your nostrils could collapse. It won't just look unnatural. It will also make it extremely difficult for you to breathe.

Schedule A Consultation

When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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Causes of Breathing Difficulties

There are several common causes of breathing difficulties that a patient may encounter. Dr. Rahban is expert in the functional surgery procedures necessary to remedy any such condition. Below you can read more about the three most common causes of breathing difficulties and the procedure Dr. Rahban uses to treat each.

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1. Deviated Septum

The nasal septum is a wall of cartilage and thin bone that separates the two nasal passages. The shape of the septum greatly affects the flow of air into the body – an important function for obvious reasons. It is normal for the septum to bend to one side or the other as the body grows, thus very few individuals possess a perfectly straight septum. For the most part, this slight bending does not cause problems. However, when the septum becomes crooked enough to markedly reduce airflow, this is called a deviated septum, and with it many other issues can arise. A deviated septum can be caused by a number of factors including birth, a broken nose, or other accidents. Whatever the cause, it isn't something anyone should have to live with.

If not properly treated, conditions such as a deviated septum may actually worsen after cosmetic rhinoplasty. For this reason it is important to take into account and address all aspects of the nose when conducting any rhinoplasty procedure. Prior to surgery Dr. Rahban performs a series of simple tests to determine whether your nose is functioning properly. He will then make recommendations and explain how you may be able to improve the function of your nose and attain the appearance you desire, all in one procedure.

Septoplasty is a functional rhinoplasty procedure performed to correct a deviated septum and its symptoms. As a leading Septoplasty surgeon in Los Angeles Dr. Rady Rahban has assisted countless patients to renew their nasal function. Following septoplasty, patients commonly experience significant improvement in the following conditions:

  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea
  • Chronic sinus issues
  • Allergies
  • Vertigo

These issues, even when one is not fully aware of their effects, can have a serious impact on one's well being. Septoplasty can provide much needed relief from these chronic conditions. Many patients have also reported substantial improvement in their sense of taste and smell after the procedure.

2. Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy

Beyond the deviated septum, another potential cause of breathing difficulties is a condition known as inferior turbinate hypertrophy. Turbinates are thin spongy structures of bone and tissue within the nose that help to direct and humidify air.

When one of these becomes swollen or enlarged it can significantly interfere with one's breathing, even blocking airflow entirely. There are three sets of turbinates within the nasal cavity. The first of these are called the inferior turbinates.

These are the most likely to become enlarged or swollen. A Turbinate Reduction can be performed to remedy this condition. This procedure is often done in conjuction with septoplasty and may also be covered by insurance.

3. Internal Valve Collapse

Another cause of breathing difficulty is a condition know as internal valve collapse or internal valve dysfunction. This condition commonly arises as a result of a sub-standard rhinoplasty, however it can also occur naturally.

The condition can be temporarily treated through the use of store-bought breath-right strips, which serve to hold the valve open during the time the strip is being worn. Obviously such treatment is not a sufficient long-term solution. Permanent resolution requires surgery.

When surgically treating a collapsed internal nasal valve, Dr. Rahban uses a piece of the patient’s own cartilage, called a spreader graft, to create what might be referred to as an internal breath-right strip, which holds the valve open from there on out. In cases where patients also require a septoplasty, Dr. Rahban is able to utilize cartilage from the septum for this purpose, making the procedure simple and efficient.Such a surgery may be required by one's insurance

Top Los Angeles Septoplasty Surgeon

With his extensive knowledge and experience in functional rhinoplasty procedures such as septoplasty, Los Angeles rhinoplasty specialist Dr. Rady Rahban offers patients a unique opportunity to address multiple concerns with one surgery. Patients who come to him seeking only his expertise in aesthetic nose surgery are often thrilled to learn that they can correct their breathing difficulties at the same time. Receiving two procedures in one surgery gives patients the advantage of having just one recovery period and significantly less down time. Further, insurance companies will often help pay for septoplasty or turbinate reduction surgeries performed to correct breathing difficulties. Most importantly Dr. Rahban's approach ensures that patients receive a truly optimum nose from the inside out.

If you suffer from any of the above breathing difficulties, you don't have to. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Rady Rahban today to find out if you can get the same life-changing results septoplasty has brought his many happy patients.

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Schedule a Consultation

When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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