Lip reduction surgery and lip correction surgery is done to reduce excess volume in the lips, restoring balance and harmony to the facial features. This procedure, called cheiloplasty, also corrects uneven lip lines and other abnormalities which cause the lips to visually overpower other facial features.
Candidates for Lip Reduction and Lip Correction
Lip reduction surgery and lip correction surgery in Los Angeles are not uncommon.
It is sought after not only for cosmetic reasons, but functionally as well, to remedy cases where unusually large lips, whether natural or injected, interfere with daily activities such as eating or pronouncing certain words.
Dr. Rahban regularly treats patients who have congenital lip deformities such as a cleft lip, or who have lip deformities caused by an accident. He also helps those who have had unsatisfactory permanent lip augmentation, such as silicone injections. Not only does the injection of such a substance in the lip cause it to become permanently enlarged, but it can create a lumpy, asymmetric appearance to the lips.
Whether caused by genetics, a congenital condition or through accidental circumstances, the goal is to balance, or at the very least improve the balance, the volume of the upper and lower lips so that they are in proportion to the rest of the facial features. This achieves a composite that is attractive with no particular feature creating discord.