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Chin Risk and Complications

As with any plastic surgery, there are some risks associated with a chin augmentation. However, Dr. Rahban goes to great lengths to prepare for and prevent these potential complications, ensuring that his patients enjoy an extremely safe and low-risk experience.

Dr. Rahban touching a patient's face


Implant malposition is a serious complication of chin augmentation. It occurs when the “pocket” formed by the surgeon to hold the implant in place is either too large or too small, causing the implant to sit unevenly and appear visibly crooked. To resolve this issue, your surgeon will need to revise the procedure, create a new pocket and re-insert your implant.

skull in x-ray

skull in x-ray

Mental nerve damage

The mental nerve is responsible for supplying sensation to the chin, lower lip and certain teeth. It can be damaged, bruised, stretched or even severed during a chin augmentation, causing altered sensation in the area.

Your surgeon will need to place the implant with care and ensure that the nerve is protected at all times to prevent this complication.

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Whenever you undergo plastic surgery, there is a chance of an infection. Several factors increase your risk of an infection during chin augmentation, including intraoral placement, which is why Dr. Rahban prefers an external approach. In addition, he will place you on antibiotics before, during and after the procedure to keep infections at bay.

Bone resorption

Resorption occurs when the bone beneath your implant wears, ultimately causing asymmetry. It tends to develop when the surgeon places the implant too high on the chin bone and/or doesn’t secure it properly. To prevent resorption, Dr. Rahban will make sure the implant is properly inserted and secured along the lower edge of the chin bone.


Extrusion develops when your implant shifts after surgery. It can be avoided by positioning the implant properly at the inferior border of the mandible and securing it. Once extrusion occurs, it can be a recurring issue and a revision procedure will be necessary.

Dr. Rahban

Unsightly or retracted scar

When your chin augmentation is performed properly, your scar should be virtually invisible. If your surgeon doesn’t close the incision carefully, you run the risk of an unsightly or retracted scar that is highly visible to the eye. To ensure a discreet outcome, Dr. Rahban meticulously closes each incision in layers.

Muscle dysfunction

A major complication of chin augmentation is muscle dysfunction, which presents as a dent in the area. It occurs due to an injury of the muscle during the insertion of the implant.

Fortunately, most patients can prevent permanent damage by removing the implant early and undergoing a revision procedure.

Schedule A Consultation

When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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Dr. Rahban's Approach Towards Chin Augmentation

World renowned double board-certied plastic surgeon, Dr. Rady Rahban provides exquisite new techniques when it comes to treating and performing surgery along the chin and neck. Find out more here.

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Few surgeons are as meticulous and careful as Dr. Rahban. For among the safest chin augmentation procedure available, please contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin planning for your surgery.

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Schedule a Consultation

When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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