Give Rady Rahban, MD a phone call at (424) 354-2053

Breast Corrective Breast Surgery

The overwhelming majority of women who undergo breast augmentation surgery do extremely well after surgery and enjoy the benefits of the surgery for many years. However there are circumstances where women who have previously had breast augmentation surgery have issues that require additional corrective breast surgery.

woman in a bra, playing with her hair

I interviewed 4 surgeons before choosing Dr. Rahban for my breast implant removal and replacement. He took over an hour in my consultation, offering many more options to improve my results and overall appearance.

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woman in a bikini, standing on a beach, playing with her hair

What is corrective breast surgery

In general, revision surgery is defined as the second (third, or fourth) round of the same procedure to make a correction or adjustment. This could be either an aesthetic and/or functional correction.

Corrective breast surgery or breast revision surgery is intended to correct a problem(s) that have arisen from a previous breast surgery. Usually, this surgery is desired to correct a complication that has left you unsatisfied with your results.

It’s important to note that Dr. Rahban does not perform corrective breast surgery immediately following an original procedure. This is to allow your body ample time to heal completely prior to undergoing another surgery. Many patients are scared and anxious to fix things as soon as possible. While that is an understandable feeling, swelling and inflammation may still be present, making correction unlikely as it can potentially worsen existing issues.

Why you want corrective breast surgery

  • Capsular Contracture. All women with breast implants create a normal healthy capsule which is a thin scar tissue around the implant. However, some individuals will create a hardened capsule that causes breasts to be firm, distorted, and sometimes painful.
  • Improper implant placement. In the case that implants were used, you may notice your breast implants are sitting too low, too high, too close together, or too far apart, hence creating a cosmetic deformity.
  • Nipple or implant asymmetry. Upon healing from your initial breast surgery, you notice that the breasts or nipples are significantly uneven, in placement or size.
  • Deflated implants. If your implants leak or burst, this can result in poor breast shape and asymmetry.
  • Wrong size implants. Your previous surgeon may have created implants that are too large or too small for your frame, creating an undesirable aesthetic outcome.
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Importance of Seeking out a Breast Revision Expert

If corrective breast surgery is necessary, it’s imperative that you do your research and seek out a Board Certified revision expert such as Dr. Rahban. It’s crucial to understand that revision surgery is far more complex than the initial procedure and should not be taken lightly by patients or doctors alike. What sets Dr. Rahban apart is his patient centric approach, and willingness to take as much time as needed to troubleshoot the root of the issue that led to the need for a corrective breast revision in the first place.

There are several key elements to ensure an outstanding outcome. First, diagnosing the issue, followed by creating a correct surgical plan, and finally executing it. That means a surgeon MUST ask a lot of questions about the initial surgery, review operative reports from the previous surgeon, and try to identify what went wrong. Fact gathering is a time consuming process and may take multiple visits. In a busy surgeons practice, the process is often rushed, and inadequate time is spent really listening and understanding the patients history.

This lack of attention to detail can resort to another failed surgery. Lastly, once the facts are known, and a new fresh plan has been determined, it’s time for your surgeon to execute the plan. Your surgeon must be highly skilled, and able to think outside the box. Otherwise, you are destined to repeat the same mistake. Primary, or first time surgery is difficult as it is let alone a revision where the anatomy is altered and there is excess scar tissue. Patience, and accuracy is crucial.

Corrective Breast Surgery Before & After

View More Corrective Breast Surgery Results

Schedule A Consultation

When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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What you want

Breasts that are more attractive

After your initial breast surgery, you may not be fully satisfied with the aesthetics. Dr. Rahban will start by finding out what you consider to be the most attractive size and shape for your breasts, and help you attain your desired look.

Corrective surgery from a surgeon who understands

You've already been through a lot of trauma, and you just aren't happy with the results. Dr. Rahban understands the frustration and will answer your questions, listen to your concerns, and come up with a personalized plan to achieve your optimal look.

Breasts that fit your body comfortably

Sometimes the size you are left with from a previous breast surgery, may not be suitable for your specific body type. Regardless of whether or not implants are used, if the breasts are too large or too small it can look and feel unnatural. In the case where the implants were used, if they are too large, it can be uncomfortable impacting your ability to get through your daily tasks. Dr. Rahban will help you identify the most balanced and proportional size, look, and feel for your frame.

What you can expect in your Initial Consultation

If you are considering this procedure, please come in for a consultation with Dr. Rahban. You can expect your initial exam and consultation to take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. Rahban will:

  • Listen to what you'd like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a thorough examination
  • Tell you exactly what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have about financing are completely answered

As part of the process, Dr. Rahban will give you the opportunity to thoroughly examine photographs of his patients, looking at his earlier work, so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your breast surgery. He will discuss with you the problems you are having as a result of your previous surgery, the size of breasts that you desire, how your problems from the previous surgery can be addressed, and how your frame, height and other features affect your choices. He will tell you the results that you can expect from your surgery. It is important that you and your doctor agree on the aesthetics and mechanics of your surgery in order to obtain the results that you want.

If you are unhappy with an earlier surgery for any reason, you should come in for a consultation. While a second surgery may be needed, we can usually give you the results that you are looking for, and rapidly.

Dr. Rady Rahban

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Correct placement is key to a breast augmentation.

Dr. Rahban, Los Angeles Breast Surgeon, notes that the best chance for a successful surgery means placing the implants correctly. He will ensure that your implants result in breasts that sit naturally on your ribcage and are well-supported. By placing your implants below your pectoral muscle, he can make sure that they remain in the correct position, look more natural, and are unlikely to have later complications such as capsular contracture.

When you meet with Dr. Rahban he will explain to you the dual plane technique he is well known for. This technique is the cornerstone of Dr. Rahbans hundreds of natural results. Additionally, he will elaborate on his use of the Keller Funnel. This funnel is used in order to insert the implant with a minimal touch technique to reduce post-operative complications.

What you can expect after breast reduction surgery

Same day

You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You'll need someone to drive you home and help you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. When you arrive home, it's important to lie down and rest with pillows to support your back and arms. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and have ice packs available to place over your breasts.

First week

Your breasts will be supported by a surgical bra or bandages during the first few days. You will need to leave the bra or dressing on, and you won't be able to shower for a few days. Get plenty of rest, and do not lift anything over 10 pounds. Walk and stretch in the house when you are feeling up to it, but do not exercise.

At your first post-op visit, Dr. Rahban will remove your dressing, and you will be able to see your new breasts for the first time. Some bruising and swelling is normal and expected. Your implants may sit higher on your chest, but they will settle into place in a few weeks.

Ten days

Many patients return to work after about a week to 10 days. You will need to wear the bra prescribed for you by Dr. Rahban exactly as you are directed, so that your breasts will heal properly and the implant placement will remain correct. You will want to continue to limit your exercise and lifting for the next few weeks.

3-6 months

You'll look and feel great. Any swelling and bruising should be gone, and your scars will be healing nicely. If an implant was used it should have settled into the correct location and your activity level should be as it was before surgery.

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What Our Patients Say: Susan G.

"I interviewed 4 surgeons before choosing Dr. Rahban for my breast implant removal and replacement. He took over an hour in my consultation, offering many more options to improve my results and overall appearance. Not only looking at my body type with a very discerning and artistic eye, (I'm a lean, muscular 63 year old with little body fat) but offering a solution to prevent the same problem from occurring again. I felt totally confident with his professional, encouraging and kind demeanor.

During the surgery, Dr. Rahban spent several more hours than anticipated to assure that my outcome was symmetrical and aesthetically perfect! I cannot be more pleased. I was very concerned about scarring because I had a breast lift as well, requiring nipple replacement and two other incisions. However, due to the extra suturing and fine attention to detail, after 3 months my scars are barely visible, just some redness.

I would recommend Dr. Rahban to anyone, especially anyone considering reconstructive surgery. He is truly an artist with great patience and bedside manner."

Susan G.

How to Prepare for a Breast Revision Surgery Consultation

If you are considering this procedure, please come in for a consultation with Dr. Rahban. You can expect your initial exam and consultation to take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. Rahban will:

  • Listen to what you'd like to achieve with your surgery;
  • Review operative report(s), labs, scans, and previous photos;
  • Perform a thorough physical examination;
  • Tell you exactly what he recommends and why;
  • Answer any questions or concerns you might have.

As part of the process, Dr. Rahban will give you the opportunity to observe photographs of his previous patients, to help gain a realistic understanding of what you can expect from your breast surgery. It is important that you and your doctor agree on the aesthetics and mechanics of your surgery in order to obtain the most optimal results.


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Schedule a Consultation

When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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