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Breast Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction (or reduction mammaplasty) is an enhancement procedure that reshapes the breasts in order to make them smaller, lighter, and firmer. Breast Reduction is accomplished by removing excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin. Large breasts can cause physical pain as well as emotional and social anxiety. Women who take advantage of the breast reduction surgery procedure find that they are able to lead a healthier, more comfortable life, in addition to enjoying a beautiful, more proportionate appearance.

woman in a bikini walking on a beach

Dr. Rahban addressed my every concern with compassion. I was listened to. He explained my options clearly and was honest and realistic as to what I might expect from surgery.

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What is a breast reduction

Breast reduction surgery is also called "reduction mammoplasty." By removing excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin, Beverly Hills Breast Reduction Surgeon, Dr. Rahban will reduce the size of your breasts to achieve a comfortable and attractive size in proportion to your body.

Why you may want a breast reduction

Too much of a good thing

Breasts are an attractive part of your body, but if they are overly large they can be a problem, too. If you are self-conscious about your breasts, or consider that they are attracting too much attention, it can be very uncomfortable.

Physical pain and discomfort

Large, pendulous breasts need a great deal of support, and they can place a heavy burden on your back and shoulders.

To maintain an active lifestyle

Very large breasts can make sports and exercise more difficult, or even impossible. With smaller breasts, you can be more active, comfortably.

Improving the fit of your clothing

When your breasts are overly large in proportion to the rest of your body, it can be difficult to find clothes that fit properly and look great.

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woman in a bikini standing on a beach

What you want from breast reduction

Breasts that are the right size for your body. You'd like to have breasts that are in proportion with the rest of your body, and fit comfortably into clothing without the need for alteration.

Breasts that are still full and attractive. Don't forget that, in the end, you love your breasts. After your breast reduction surgery, you still want them to be round and full and beautiful. Just a smaller, more manageable size.

Breast Reduction Before & After

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The Details of Your Breast Reduction Consultation

A breast reduction is a highly personalized cosmetic procedure. As such, your breast reduction starts with a private consultation with Dr. Rahban for at least one hour. Dr. Rahban determines if you’re a suitable candidate for a breast reduction and, if so, curates the ideal treatment plan for your specific goals.

Dr. Rahban discusses your cosmetic concerns, the reasons for which you want a reduction, and your future goals. He reviews your medical history to determine if you have any health conditions precluding you from getting a reduction. He may also recommend mammograms or biopsies to ensure you’re in optimal health before proceeding with the treatment. If everything checks out, Dr. Rahban will collaboratively curate a breast reduction treatment plan with you.

Dr. Rahban examines and measures your breasts, including their size, shape, nipple placement, and skin quality. Based on your expectations and desired cup size, he recommends the ideal techniques or treatment plans. He discusses the steps of the procedure, incision styles, and other details. He also discusses the preparatory steps, recovery, results, and costs of the treatment. We also encourage you to clarify all your concerns, doubts, and questions — you should have complete clarity about the procedure.

By the time you leave Dr. Rahban’s office, you should have complete clarity about the procedure and aftercare. You should also know what you’ll be paying and all your financing options.

If you are getting a breast reduction, it's important that you remember not just that you want them to be smaller, but all of the things about them that you love as well. Breasts are meant to be round and full and beautiful, and that's what we want to have for you as a result of your surgery.

Dr. Rady Rahban

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What you want to know about your breast reduction surgery

Your breast reduction surgery is an out-patient procedure, but that doesn't mean that it is minor surgery, or that it will be brief. After your consultation and examination, with Los Angeles Breast Surgeon, Dr. Rahban, he will be able to estimate for you the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take. Dr. Rahban will want to take his time, and make sure that your results are balanced and beautiful.

"Remember: if it's made by hand, it takes time."
– Dr. Rady Rahban

For the best possible results, expect that your surgery will be performed while you are under a general anesthetic.

You and Beverly Hills Breast Surgeon, Dr. Rahban will select the technique that is right for you.

The precise incision used and tissue that is removed from your beasts will depend on the size, shape and structure of your breasts themselves. Dr. Rahban works very meticulously give you the best possible results, with scars that will heal quickly and not remain very noticeable. He'll want to move your nipple in relationship to your new breast size, and he will do that in a way that is most likely to preserve and protect sensation and function.

What you can expect after breast reduction surgery

  • Same day. You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You'll need someone to drive you home and help you for the first 24 hours after your surgery. When you arrive home, it's important to lie down and rest with pillows to support your back and arms. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and have ice packs available to place over your breasts.
  • First week. You should expect about 1-3 days of chest discomfort. Some bruising and swelling is normal and expected. Your breasts will settle into place in a few weeks. Most patients return to work in 5-7 days.
  • Six weeks. You will need to avoid strenuous exercise while you are healing. Dr. Rahban will want to see you again to check on your progress.
  • 1 year. You'll look and feel great. Any swelling and bruising should be gone, and your scars will not be very noticeable.
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What Our Patients Say: Lisa T.

"An amazing surgeon! Top notch! From start to finish, everything about my experience with Rady's office was wonderful. His staff was patient and supportive and answered all of my questions (no matter how trivial). Dr. Rahban addressed my every concern with compassion. I was listened to. He explained my options clearly and was honest and realistic as to what I might expect from surgery. I felt so considered emotionally AND physically that I instantly trusted in Rady's ability.

I am SO very happy and relieved with the results of my surgery and I owe my piece of mind to Dr. Rady Rahban. If you are seeking an EXTRAORDINARY, talented surgeon who has your best interests at heart, please visit Dr. Rady Rahban and his staff. You will be in stellar hands!"

Lisa T.

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When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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