Breast augmentation is a safe procedure with very little risk in the vast majority of women. As in any surgical procedure, there are risks, and each patient must weigh the expected outcome with the potential risks before committing to breast augmentation surgery.
Breast Augmentation Risks
Each year, hundreds of thousands of women choose to improve their appearance by having breast augmentation. While the vast majority of them have no complications, there are risks associated with breast augmentation surgery that every woman should be aware of. Dr. Rahban has an unprecedented record of safety and patient satisfaction due to his meticulous attention to all details concerning breast augmentation. Beginning with patient education and continuing through implant choice, surgery, and recovery, he works tirelessly to ensure his patients enjoy the best possible outcome. The risks associated with breast augmentation surgery can include:
- Anesthesia Complications
- Bleeding &/or Infection
- Hematoma
- Capsular Contracture
- Need for Additional Surgeries
- Scarring
- Rupture of the Implant
- Unsatisfactory Aesthetic Outcome
Any surgery carries a certain degree of risk. Choosing to have elective surgery allows patients to fully investigate the potential risks so that a fully informed decision can be made.