Give Rady Rahban, MD a phone call at (424) 354-2053

Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles & Beverly Hills

Breast augmentation, also known as mammoplasty, is a surgical enhancement procedure to accentuate the size and shape of a woman's breasts. While breast augmentation will make the breasts larger, the surgery will not move the breasts closer together or lift sagging breasts. Dr. Rahban finds that after his patients undergo breast augmentation in his Beverly Hills office, they find they have a fuller profile, especially for those who have lost breast volume due to pregnancy or nursing, or those who have undergone breast reconstruction and want to gain a more natural look again.

woman in a bikini on a beach

Dr. Rahban is truly gifted and talented. Every time I went in for an appointment he took his time examining me and answered each and every question I had. If you're considering any type of plastic surgery I highly recommend visiting Dr. Rahban.


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What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation will enlarge and reshape your breasts. The intended result it is a size and shape that you feel comfortably and natural fits your body and improves your appearance.

Who is a Candidate?


It can be as simple as that—you would just like to have larger breasts. You're not alone — this is the number one reason that women decide to have breast augmentation surgery in Los Angeles. If that's the case, Beverly Hills breast augmentation surgeon, Dr. Rahban, can help you decide the exact increase in size that will give you the figure that you want.

Breast cancer

You may want breast augmentation during breast reconstruction procedures following breast cancer surgery, or after preventive mastectomies performed because they have a strong family history of breast cancer. A mastectomy is the surgical removal of one or both breasts. Breast reconstruction may involve implants or a transfer of fat and tissue from your abdomen.


If your breasts are asymmetrical, or malformed, you may want to have breast augmentation to balance your breasts and make it easier to find clothes that fit.

Weight loss

Weight loss can cause significant changes to the size and shape of a woman's breasts. If you've lost a lot of weight and your breasts are deflated, breast augmentation surgery can help you to gain the shape that you want.


Maybe you would like to have a breast augmentation as part of a Mommy Makeover — a combination of procedures that Dr. Rahban can us to help restore your body to it's pre-pregnancy state. Your Mommy Makeover could include a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift or other procedures as well as breast augmentation.

Breast shape

If you want rounder, fuller breasts, you may decide to have a breast lift or breast augmentation. Dr. Rahban can explain the difference, and help you decide on the right surgical plan.

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Breast Augmentation Before & After

View More Breast Augmentation Results

Rachel discusses her experience with Dr. Rady Rahban after undergoing breast augmentation surgery in his Beverly Hills office.

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What You Want From Breast Augmentation

Breasts that are more attractive

Whatever your starting point, you know that you want larger, fuller, and more attractive breasts. Dr. Rahban will start by finding out what you consider to be the most attractive size and shape for breasts, and then help you determine how best to reach your perfect size and shape.

Breasts that fit your body comfortably

Your boyfriend may be lobbying for a size DD, but you need to be sure that you will be comfortable with the breasts that you choose. Implants that are too large can look and feel unnatural, and you may find them difficult to live with on a daily basis. Dr. Rahban will help you settle on an implant size that will look and feel natural and comfortable on your body.

How much does a Breast Augmentation Cost?

The costs of breast augmentations vary tremendously from practice to practice. The key to understanding this cost variance is to realize that there are many factors that can be manipulated to lower your breast augmentation cost. The question is: how comfortable are you cutting costs in exchange for potential lower quality? Some of the important factors that surgeons can manipulate to offer lower cost breast augmentations are:

  • Length of surgery: shorter surgery costs less, but is not better for the patient. Instead, a shorter surgery will give you rushed results, less attention to detail, and can increase risks from scarring to asymmetry. A shorter surgery may sound beneficial to you, but it is not. You cannot use the diligent, precise techniques and sizing method that Dr. Rahban uses, if the surgeon is rushing the operation.
  • Anesthesia: some surgeons do not use board certified anesthesiologists for their breast augmentations, and this cuts cost. Number of post-surgical visits: Dr. Rahban sees patients 5 times after their breast augmentation, whereas many other surgeons see patients 1 or 2 times. Less patient care will cost you less money.

Dr. Rahban does not believe in cutting corners in order to lower prices. If you have a surgeon that you truly want to do your surgery, but you cannot afford that surgeon, think about waiting for a year or so. Instead of choosing a lower cost option and potentially sacrificing your safety and quality of results, consider saving some money every month and waiting until you have enough to afford the surgeon that you believe is truly the best fit for you and your priorities.

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Breast Augmentation as Part of a Mommy Makeover

Dr. Rady Rahban, a board-certified plastic surgeon, is a specialist in mommy makeovers and its component parts. Because a breast augmentation is often an integral part of a mommy makeover, Dr. Rahban invites you to visit his Beauty After Baby website. Here you will find comprehensive and invaluable data concerning breast augmentation and many other procedures, as they pertain to mommy makeovers.

Visit Beauty After Baby

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Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

The initial consultation is one of the most important steps in your breast augmentation journey in Los Angeles. All cosmetic surgeries should be personalized, but none more than a breast augmentation. During your initial consultation, Dr. Rahban discusses why you want a breast augmentation, your existing concerns, future goals, medical history, and treatment options. The consultation has two primary goals — determine if you’re a viable candidate for breast augmentation and, if so, curate the ideal treatment plan.

Determining Candidacy

To determine your candidacy, Dr. Rahban discusses your cosmetic goals, examines the treatment areas, and reviews your medical history. You might not be a suitable candidate if you have unrealistic expectations from the procedure or underlying health conditions that preclude you from getting surgery.

You may also be asked to stop taking certain medications, vitamins, supplements, and stop smoking for a few weeks in advance. Dr. Rahban may also recommend mammograms or biopsies to ensure you’re healthy.


If you’re a suitable candidate for the procedure, Dr. Rahban will examine and measure your breasts, including their current shape/size, skin quality, and nipple placements. He’ll discuss your treatment styles and implant options, discussing the pros/ cons of saline implants, silicone implants, gummy bear implants, various incision styles, implant placement options, or alternative treatments with fat grafting. He discusses all your treatment options and recommends the ideal volume (cubic centimeters) of the implant to meet your goals.

As such, you will collaboratively curate a treatment plan with Dr. Rahban—the consultation may last an hour or more.

The key to a successful breast augmentation is selecting the right size breast implant. I tell patients that they should be sure in a breast augmentation that they are getting the breasts that they want, not breasts that someone else thinks that they should have. You want to be sure that you select a size that you will live with comfortably.

Dr. Rady Rahban

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What You Want To Know About Breast Augmentation

Your breast augmentation surgery is an out-patient procedure, but that doesn't mean that it is minor surgery, or that it will be brief. After your consultation and examination at his office in Beverly Hills, Dr. Rahban will be able to estimate for you the length of time that you can expect your procedure to take. Dr. Rahban will want to take his time, and make sure that your results are balanced and beautiful.

"Remember: if it's made by hand, it takes time."
– Dr. Rady Rahban

For the best possible results, expect that your surgery will be performed while you are under a general anesthetic.

Before surgery, you and Dr. Rahban will have selected your breast implants, deciding on the size and material that will best give you the results that you want. Using a small incision designed to minimize scarring, Dr. Rahban will carefully place each implant into your breasts.

Correct placement is key to a breast augmentation

Dr. Rahban notes that the best chance for a successful surgery means placing the implant correctly. He will take care to ensure that your implants result in breasts that sit naturally on your ribcage and are well-supported. By placing your implants below your pectoral muscle, he can make sure that they remain in the correct position, look more natural, and are unlikely to have later complications such as capsular contracture.

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Schedule A Consultation

When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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What Can You Expect After Surgery?

Same day

You will be closely monitored and cared for in our surgery center until you are ready to go home. You'll need someone to drive you home and help you for the first 24 hours after your surgery.

When you arrive home, it's important to lie down and rest with pillows to support your back and arms. Make sure that your medications are within easy reach, and have ice packs available to place over your breasts.

First week

Your breasts will be supported by a surgical bra or bandages during the first few days. You will need to leave the bra or dressing on, and you won't be able to shower for a few days. Get plenty of rest, and do not lift anything over 10 pounds. Walk and stretch in the house when you are feeling up to it, but do not exercise.

At your first post-op visit, Dr. Rahban will remove your dressing, and you will be able to see your new breasts for the first time. Some bruising and swelling is normal and expected. Your implants may sit higher on your chest, but they will settle into place in a few weeks.

Ten days

Many patients return to work after about a week to 10 days. You will need to wear the bra prescribed for you by Dr. Rahban exactly as you are directed, so that your breasts will heal properly and the implant placement will remain correct. You will want to continue to limit your exercise and lifting for the next few weeks.

3-6 months

You'll look and feel great. Any swelling and bruising should be gone, and your small scars will be healing nicely and easily concealed. Your implants will have settled into their correct locations, and your activity level should be as it was before your surgery.

What Our Patients Say: Gigi L.

"The best plastic surgeon ever! I had a breast augmentation and liposuction done with Dr. Rahban and I'm in love with the results! I really can't express how wonderful this man is! He's professional, knowledgeable, personable and he really does care for his patients.

Dr. Rahban is truly gifted and talented. He was never pushy and always listened to what I had to say. Every time I went in for an appointment he took his time examining me and answered each and every question I had. If you're considering any type of plastic surgery I highly recommend visiting Dr. Rahban."

Gigi L.

Breast Augmentation FAQ

How long do the results last?

Will scars be noticeable?

Can I breastfeed after Surgery?

Are there any risks to a breast augmentation?

Who is a candidate for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

What is the recovery time after Breast Augmentation?

Should I wait to have a Breast Augmentation until after having children?

How can I prepare for surgery?

How do I choose the right size Implants?

How long do the results last?

If you’re wondering how long the results of a breast augmentation will last, the important first step is to consider that everyone’s breasts will change over time: regardless of whether you’ve had a breast augmentation in Los Angeles. So in this sense, you can certainly expect there to be changes in your breasts over time. However, the breast augmentation itself can last forever.

The breast changes you see will be from factors like gravity, changes in your breast tissue, weight fluctuations, and the natural aging process. On the other hand, the breast implants themselves should ideally be changed every 10 - 15 years. The implants are medical devices, and although they are extremely safe, they have the potential to degrade, leak, or rupture over time.

Dr. Rahban in a video

Will scars be noticeable?

Many women ask whether the scars from their breast augmentation will be noticeable. There are many options for breast augmentation incisions, but only 2 options that Dr. Rahban uses in part because of their unparalleled ability to result in almost invisible scars when the incisions are closed with the utmost of care and precision. To keep the breast augmentation scars discreet, Dr. Rahban makes the incisions either in the crease of the breasts, or around the areola.

Can I breastfeed after Surgery?

When the breast augmentation is performed through an incision in the breast crease, there should be no change in your ability to breastfeed or the volume of milk produced. When the breast augmentation is performed with incisions around the areola, however, some of the milk ducts are separated which can result in lower production of breast milk.

For women that do have a reduction in breast milk production, many of them are still able to breastfeed successfully, depending on the natural amount of breast milk their body is able to produce. However, It’s also important to remember that some women are not able to breastfeed at all, whether or not they’ve had a breast augmentation. In the majority of cases, women will be able to breastfeed after breast augmentation surgery.

Dr. Rahban in a video

Are there any risks to a breast augmentation?

As with any surgical procedure, breast augmentation has risks. Breast augmentation risks include:

  • Scars: the risk of scars can be minimized by a surgeon with the skill to make and close the incisions in a way that is very discreet.
  • Asymmetry of the breasts: all women have some level of asymmetry in their natural breasts, so in many cases an extremely detail-oriented surgeon can create more symmetry with breast augmentation than the patient had before. In some cases Dr. Rahban uses 2 different-sized implants to create more balance between breasts that were previously asymmetric.
  • Loss of nipple sensation: Dr. Rahban mitigates this risk by carefully analyzing the maximum size of implant that a patient’s anatomy can handle, without unwanted pressure on the nerves. It is not the incision which generally causes loss of nipple sensation, but an implant that is too large.
  • Decreased milk production: this risk can be mitigated by carefully choosing the incision placement.
  • Rupture: today’s breast implants are extremely well made and rupture is quite rare.
  • Rippling: visual rippling is rippling that can be seen when you look in the mirror. This risk is very rare and tends to happen in women who are quite thin. Palpable rippling is also unlikely but more common than visual rippling. Palpable rippling is happens when you can feel a little of the contours of the breast implant. This risk is also more likely in thin patients.
  • Capsular contracture: this is the primary risk of breast augmentation and happens in approximately 5 - 15% of women with implants. Every woman who has breast implants has scar tissue around those implants. This is normal and not a risk. However, in a small percentage of women, their bodies makes thicker scar tissue than needed around the implant. This is in no way dangerous, but can make the breast slightly firmer, sit higher, or cause some discomfort. This can generally be corrected with reoperation to remove the thicker scar tissue.

Who is a candidate for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

There are several factors that are important in being a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery. These include:

  • Health: good overall health is important for any surgery, so you’ll want to ensure you are in the best health possible, physically as well as mentally.
  • Age: candidates should be old enough for their breast tissue to be fully developed, which is generally around 18 - 20 years old.
  • Some existing breast tissue: While the primary purpose of a breast augmentation is to add volume to the breasts, it is important that the right candidate has some level of existing breast tissue. Someone who is extremely thin or emaciated will not have good results from a breast augmentation.
  • Informed expectations: While people often discuss your health or age as important factors for a breast augmentation, another truly critical question is “What are your expectations from the breast augmentation?” If you are very thin and want a larger implant than can fit your body, this is a barrier to successful surgery and Dr. Rahban will not perform a breast augmentation on you. A good candidate understands the limits of their anatomy, and understands that if the surgeon does not adhere to your anatomical structure, you will not have a good outcome.

What is the recovery time after Breast Augmentation?

The recovery time for breast augmentation depends on what you consider a ‘recovery’. In terms of initial recovery, Dr. Rahban recommends you take a week off of work after your operation. While some surgeons say you can return to work the next day, there is trauma to the body during surgery, and you need time for your wounds to heal. Beyond the initial recovery, you want to give your breast implants time to settle and for your body to continue to heal.

Because of this, Dr. Rahban recommends you wait 4 - 6 weeks before returning to exercise or lifting anything heavy. Trying to rush your recovery not only can lower the quality of your results but can lead to emotional dissatisfaction. After 2 - 3 months your swelling will generally be gone and you should be back to all of your normal activities.

Dr. Rahban in a video

Should I wait to have a Breast Augmentation until after having children?

There is no definitive answer to the question of whether you should wait to have a breast augmentation until you have children. The answer is completely dependent on each person. If someone wants to get pregnant within a year, Dr. Rahban would strongly encourage them to wait on having breast implants until after they have children. The breasts undergo tremendous change during pregnancy, which can alter the results of the breast augmentation.

If someone does not want children in the near future, but may have them eventually, that person needs to decide whether they want to enjoy the benefits of breast augmentation in the years before their pregnancy. Dr. Rahban’s experience is that approximately half his patients have breast augmentation before pregnancy, and half after having children.

Dr. Rahban in a video

How can I prepare for surgery?

One important aspect of preparing for surgery involves being financially prepared for the costs. This is an elective surgery which should not cause great financial strain. You should also be healthy physically, and not in substantial emotional distress.

For instance, if someone has just had an upsetting break up and hopes that a breast augmentation will make them feel better, this is not the right mentality to make such a major decision. Finally, it’s important to ensure you have a support system of friends or family that will be there to help you in the first week after your breast augmentation.

How do I choose the right size Implants?

Choosing the right size of implants is such an important and misunderstood process. Many patients come in for a consultation, thinking that the best way to ask for the breast implant results they want is by giving a cup size.

However, if a surgeon allows a patient to ask for a cup size to describe their desired outcome, there is tremendous potential for misunderstanding and dissatisfaction. Dr. Rahban uses a comprehensive process combining thorough physical analysis of your anatomy, discussion of your goals, and pictures of breast implant results.

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Schedule a Consultation

When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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