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Body Tummy Tuck Scars

When considering a tummy tuck, the most pressing concern voiced by patients is the size and position of the scar. The goal is to have a firm, tight midsection and to be able to wear a bikini or low cut jeans with no tell tale scar showing.Dr. Rahban has earned a reputation for outstanding tummy tuck results. He avoids unsatisfactory scarring issues beginning with proper placement of the incision and concluding surgery by personally closing the incision himself, unlike many other surgeons.

woman in a blue bikini at the beach

I am about a month and a half out and I love my stomach. I look like a teen again, lol. Dr. Rahban did such a great job! My scar is very thin and I'm sure in a couple months I won't even have one.

Liz N.

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Avoiding disappointing tummy tuck results

Tummy tuck scars form when the incision has too much tension at the edge during healing. Dr.Rahban uses a progressive tension suturing technique, meticulously closing multiple layers from the inside out, and using many sutures to ensure both side of the wound are under minimal tension. This highly compulsive technique avoids the formation of unsightly tummy tuck scars. Los Angeles residents regularly consult Dr. Rahban concerning scar repair treatment due to his reputation for creating thin scars that are virtually invisible once fully healed.

Tummy tuck scars generally take a year to fully resolve. This allows the body to cycle through the healing process. While this is ongoing, the scar will get better, worsen and finally settle. After this time, if the scar is still unsatisfactory, it will need to be repaired.

Belly button repair

Repairing a belly button scar is another concern for many women. During a tummy tuck the belly button must be repositioned and reattached. A well done tummy tuck creates a navel with a natural “inverted U” shape that is contoured correctly.

The “hole on a board” navel can be repaired so that it is possible to wear a bikini without embarrassment. Tummy tuck scar treatment in Dr. Rahban’s Beverly Hills office often includes repairing misplacement or scarring of the belly button.

Tummy Tuck Before & After

View More Tummy Tuck Results

Debbie discusses her experience with Dr. Rady Rahban after undergoing plastic surgery for a Tummy Tuck procedure.

woman smiling

Video Testimonial

What you can expect in your Initial Consultation

If you are considering this procedure, please come in for a consultation with Dr. Rahban. You can expect your initial exam and consultation to take an hour or more. In your consultation, Dr. Rahban will:

  • Listen to what you'd like to achieve with your surgery
  • Perform a thorough examination
  • Tell you exactly what he recommends and why
  • Make sure that any questions you have about financing are completely answered

As part of the process, Dr. Rahban will give you the opportunity to thoroughly examine photographs of his patients, looking at his earlier work, so that you can see for yourself what to expect if he performs your tummy tuck. He will tell you the results that you can expect from your surgery. It is important that you and your doctor agree on the aesthetics and mechanics of your surgery in order to obtain the results that you want. Call us today to schedule your consultation for some of the finest tummy tuck Beverly Hills and Los Angeles have to offer, from esteemed surgeon Dr. Rady Rahban.

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Methods of tummy tuck scar treatment

Tummy tuck scars are formed when pressure or tension is placed on the incision while it is healing. Pressure causes the scar to widen to such a degree that wearing low cut jeans or bikini bottoms isn’t possible without showing part of the scar.

While other surgeons prescribe various creams to minimize scarring, it is Dr. Rahban’s opinion that these are ineffectual. For this reason, he takes the time during closure in the OR to ensure the healing process is optimal.

If you have a pre-existing scar from previous treatment, surgical scar revision is necessary for scars that are wide, discolored, raised or recessed. Dr. Rahban is known for his exquisite technique in closing incisions and for this is known for providing the best tummy tuck scar treatment available in Los Angeles. Recovery from scar revision is much less of a time commitment as the incision involves less area. Very often a combination of scar revision and other skin smoothing treatments such as microdermabrasion or other topical solutions is used to obtain the best result.

In this video, Dr. Rahban discusses the Tummy Tuck procedure, and how it can help his patients recover their shape.

man talking

What Dr. Rahban Says About Tummy Tucks

Preventing the need for tummy tuck scar treatment

The best insurance that a tummy tuck scar will heal very well is to meticulously follow post operative instructions. Incisions must remain tension and pressure free during the early weeks of healing.

To aid in this requirement, compression garments may be recommended as well as the use of silicone sheets. Both of these methods stabilize the incision and keep tension and pressure well distributed.

If you are unhappy with your tummy tuck scar, treatment is available to minimize the scar or repair a tell tale belly button repositioning.

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Contact Dr. Rahban today for a consultation

During the consultation, Dr. Rahban will listen to your concerns, thoroughly examine the scars and recommend a treatment plan that comes as close as technically and artistically possible to your goals. As a leading plastic surgeon, he attracts patients from all over the country for tummy tuck scar treatment.


What Our Patients Say: Liz N.

"I went to Dr. Rahban for a tummy tuck, number one because I had a huge tattoo on my lower abdomen and didn't want to go through laser removal, and since I had just had my baby I said why not get a tummy tuck?

I did consult with another doctor beforehand and she could not even compare to Dr. Rahban. She was more all about the money and didn't care about me and my concerns. When I saw Dr. Rahban all he cared about was me and my concerns. He didn't push any treatment. He said I needed to make sure this was something I wanted to do, and he also told me not to worry about the tattoo because he would make sure all of it was gone

I made my decision and went through with it and all I can say is it was the best decision I have made.

I am about a month and a half out and I love my stomach. I look like a teen again, lol. Dr. Rahban did such a great job! My scar is very thin and I'm sure in a couple months I won't even have one."

Liz N.

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When Dr. Rahban does a consultation with a prospective patient, he wants it to be two things above all others: thorough and honest. He will find out from you just what you want from cosmetic surgery. And he will tell you honestly if you can get the result you want, and how he can best help you do so.

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