Give Rady Rahban, MD a phone call at (424) 354-2053

In this episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr. Rady Rahban explores the transformative impact of liposuction with his patient, Joseph. Delve into a comprehensive discussion on how liposuction can dramatically improve self-esteem and body confidence, especially when performed on the right candidates. Joseph, a unique case described by Dr. Rahban as a "unicorn," shares his personal journey and experiences post-liposuction, shedding light on the physical and psychological benefits of this cosmetic procedure. This episode is a must-listen for anyone considering liposuction or curious about its potential to enhance one's lifestyle. 

Key Takeaways:

  1. Ideal Candidate: Liposuction yields the best results for individuals who are near their ideal body weight but struggle with stubborn fat areas that do not respond to diet and exercise. Joseph's story underscores the importance of being an ideal candidate for liposuction to achieve significant results.

  2. Physical and Psychological Benefits: The episode highlights how liposuction can significantly boost self-esteem and confidence by refining body contours. Joseph's testimony provides insight into the profound emotional benefits following the procedure.

  3. Realistic Expectations: Dr. Rahban stresses the importance of setting realistic expectations before undergoing liposuction. It's not a shortcut to fitness but rather a procedure to enhance results that can't be achieved through lifestyle changes alone.

  4. Male Perspective in Cosmetic Surgery: The discussion also touches on the unique aspects of cosmetic surgery for men, emphasizing the lack of open dialogue among men about undergoing aesthetic procedures and the need for more male representation in cosmetic surgery discussions.

This episode offers valuable perspectives for anyone considering liposuction, emphasizing the importance of being well-informed and having realistic expectations about the outcomes.


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All right, welcome to another episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored. I'm your host, doctor Rady Rahban, and yes, we have an episode on liposuction. Anybody who follows me, listens to my rants on social media, or listens to any of my podcast knows that I'm I don't want to say anti liposuction, but I'm cautionary liposuction, meaning I do it, but I do it seldom. I do it cautiously, and I try to advise people to be careful because I genuinely feel like it's being done way too much and way too aggressively.

But we are lucky today because we are honored to have one of my patients, Joseph, who's joined us, and we're going to talk about way, what are the indications, Oh my god, Joseph's a unicorn. You actually did the surgery on someone, And we want to talk about two key elements about this unique patient experience. One is just what made Joseph so special and why did you do it on him and won't do it on others? And the other is we often find that the overwhelming majority of conversations regarding cosmetic surgery revolve around the female population. But that is not the truth.

There is probably twenty twenty five percent of all of cosmetic surgery is done by males. It's just that men tend to be very private, quiet secretive about their experiences and in an odd way that makes it so difficult for other men to do it. Because, at the end of the day, let's let's be honest, part of the reason why we feel comfortable today to do it is because there's just so much information and conversation around it. It makes it less secretive or dangerous or whatnot.

So let's dive in no further Ado Joseph, welcome to the show. Thanks for having me. Great to see. We're lucky to have you.

We're always very honored when one of the patients agrees to be on the show. Obviously I have done shows by myself. It's just not as good because when we discuss a subject like this one, but then we have you to have as a soundboard. Of course, your experience is one of one.

It is in representative of everyone, but it's certainly significantly better to have a conversation with a patient than without. So thank you for being here, because not only is it time, but you know you put yourself out there and you know you don't have to, so we appreciate it. So M joseph Us dive in, tell me a little about yourself and what brought you to my practice and what is it that you were looking for and what is it that we did for you. Yeah, so I grew up on the chubbier side.

It's never really like super heavier overweight, but you know, definitely one of the chubby your kids fell you know, concious self conscious about you know, being at the with my friends and things like that. And so you know, as I guess grew up and got taller, that kind of you know, leaned out a little bit, but still a little bit around the stomach area that I just could not get rid of no matter how much I tried. You know, I was exercising, and I'm fortunate enough to be in a financial situation where I could have a personal trainer, and I think before I came to you, I was working out with the personal trainer for about maybe like nine months something like that, and you know, doing my best with the diet situation, and it was just obviously you know that I saw progress in certain areas, but there was still that stomach situation that was just you know, I was still not fully satisfied and happy with and so I thought, well, you know what, I'm again, I'm busting up to you know, to have the money now to other options, to explore other things. Let me see what's what's possible.

So I started doing research, looking into plastic surgery, lapo suction, whatnot. I was also looking into you know, the um what is that the bio cry authority exactly? Um? And I landed on, you know, based on my research, I landown liposuction. And then I said, okay, well let me now that I've landed on that, let me find a doctor that has the best reviews in all of LA and all of and all of town. Um.

Because you know, I'm really willing I would rather spend more to make sure that this is that this goes smoothly, no complication, there's no problems, nothing. So I went on yelp, went on Google reviews, did you know, some reverse engineering of the search functions to try to really find the top top review doctor. And um, then I landed on on yourself. Um, and uh so that I'm a tind of how stop you right now? Perfect? That's a perfect introduction.

So let me ask you a couple of questions, because for those of you that are listening, you're like, who's this Joseph Kai which How tall are you? I'm five eight? Got it? How much did you weigh when you came to my office? I think maybe one fifty five? Correct? You weigh about in the one fifties, so five ft eight one fifty five by for any of you who know anything about anything, that's a pretty lean person that's not heavy said, that's not overweight, I mean on paper, five fifty five, pretty goddamn good. How old are you? Twenty nine, twenty nine, so you're not a kid, right. And when you say you did exercise, you had a trainer. Most of us don't have a trainer.

You physically had a trainer, and you were super, super careful with your diet. So here is an individual who came to me, and the question everyone's going to ask is what is the distinction? And what I want to discuss is what referred to as the ideal can at least to me listen, there are individual surgeons who do what's called high volume lieperstruction on a patient who's five foot eight, two hundred and forty five pounds with a BMI of forty And you know what, great, Great for the patient, great for the doctor. That's between them and themselves. For me, that's not the type of practice I run.

So I am fairly strict because I really want to get home runs. I don't want mediocre results, and I'll explain what that is. So I'm trying to identify patients who have a high yield return. Who are those patients? Who is the ideal candidate? In my eyes, it's someone who is healthy, twenty nine years old, exercising and eating well, which you are not overweight, which you weren't, with a small problem area that is stubborn, that isn't going to require a significant amount of liposuction to make a significant change in your end goal or your happiness.

In other words, here you look pretty goddamn good, and with a little push, a little help from me, you'll get into that stratosphere that you physically can't get on your own. I'm gonna say you could get on your own, but it would require starving yourself, working out five hours a day like you would have to take it to another level. And as you said eloquently, you're lucky. This is a luxury.

You have money. You work hard. People make money, they do things with it. What do they do with it? They buy jewelry, they go on vacation, they send their kids to college, whatever.

And you have opted to utilize your success, the money that you earn, to help yourself look better and hence feel better. So, for those of you listening, what initially made Joseph an ideal candidate was exactly what he said, which is, I did everything I could. I was in great shape. I had a small area of stubborn fat I couldn't get rid of it.

And I then decided look online and see what my options are. So you present to my office. So now let's go through the conversation you and I had. So you come to my office and you're like, all right, I'm gonna go and check this out.

See what my options are. I think I have maybe exhausted the things I can do. So tell me what how your consult experience was, and what were the things that you learned that you had done homework data. Yeah, so when I when I came to your office, um, I was just trying to I mean I really weren't really sure what to expect.

I knew already that you were a conservative doctor, that you had a conservative approach. I knew that based off of the your podcast, the interviews and your YouTube channel and whatnot. And that's kind of what I That's what I wanted. I wanted somebody who was going to tell me if I came in the office, no, you don't need this, get out of here, you know.

Yeah, And that's actually a smart way to go about it, because you know that I will, I will be your rate limiting factor because I'm going to tell you more likely than anybody else if I don't think you needed because to begin with, I'm already hedging on the more conservative side, got it right, And so you know, I knew that about you, but I wasn't exactly sure what else to expect beyond that. And I do remember that the receptionist asked me to send my pictures and she was she was like, well, let's have doctor a Bond look at it first and then we'll see. And then you said, I was I was a good candidate. You wanted me to come in.

So why do you think we did? Why do you think we did that? Why on earth would I see your photos? In advance and not just have you come straight to the office when you Hi, how are you doing? I'm looking to do live perstection. Great, come on the twenty seventh. Here's how much we charge by Why would I go out of my way and pre screen you before you green him to the office. Well, not to waste either of our times, and the transpeltation is on the more expensive side, and so I appreciated that.

I really we don't want to waste your time, and so by me glancing at your photos, because if you tell me your five at eight one hundred and fifty five pounds, you could be super skinny and not have anything there, or thin and fit, but have some stubborn fat and I can tell relatively from a photo, and therefore I can spare you the time and the money. The last thing we want to do is have you come spend your harder and money for me to take a look at you and be like, no, you're not a candidate. So that's good to hear that my staff did the right thing. So they're they're not going to get fired.

Okay, good yeah, so um yeah, it was really I definitely appreciated that. That made me feel more comfortable and confident going into the consultation. And then we got there and uh and yeah, and you were, you know, very straightforward, honest kind and and you know, you basically told me kind of all what you were just saying about how you don't typically do like posuction and you know it's only with specific candidates, but you felt like I was a good candidate. Do you remember what specifically about your examination I said led you to be a good candidate.

Do you remember our conversation at all? Yeah, you said, you said I had thicker skin, so that was made me a good candidate, and that I wasn't too overweight, you know, our my body TA percentage wasn't too high, and that it was really just a specific, you know, kind of problem areas like you said. I'm trying to think of what else you mentioned. Oh, I guess like you said that I was exercising, active already kind of mostly in shape. So the key thing that I said to you during the examination, so I can do all those things by conversation, what can't I do by conversation examine you? I need to physically touch your body.

What am I looking for? What I'm looking for is to see what the quality of your skin is. What the hell does that have anything to do with anything? It has everything to do with everything, because and what people don't understand and why people keep getting themselves into trouble is the holy grail of liposuction is what's left, not what you remove, it's what's left. And when you have softer, looser, more lax skin, aka, I've had three children, and we go in and remove fat and inevitably some connective tissue. Your skin that's left behind will not weather well.

It will be loosey, it'll be irregular, it'll fold, it'll dent. However, if you are an individual who has thicker skin, which you do because a you're a man, male abdomens are thicker skin than female abdomens. Two, you've never had any babies. So if you were the exact same person, exact heightweight, age, work, everything, yet you are a woman who had had two children, your skin would be soft and mobile ale and you would not be a good candidate.

So number one, you have picker skin because you're a male. Number two, you've never had any children. Number three, you were never grossly obese, so you were never two hundred and forty five fifty pounds and then lost one hundred pounds, because then you would be the equivalent of a woman who had a child. You'd have a loose skin.

You were a gentleman that was on a heavier set, chubbier, but you lost the weight and so your skin hadn't gone through that much turmoil. And lastly, you had a very finite amount of fact. I knew exactly where I needed to go and what to get out, as opposed to just globally overweight, like no beginning and no ending. So where do I stop? So I go around the corner and keep going around the corner, and then to your back, and then you're lower back there you have to end.

The areas that you and I discussed that you and I ended up doing was your lower abdomen that would then roll around to your love handles. That's called the spare tire. That's the loose sort of layman's term for it, which is this crap that sits to the bottom, which by the way I have and by the way most people have, And that's the area that most athletic people come in for because they get a rip six pack above and then it just kind of just stops and they can't get past that, over that hill. And if you take your diet whatever it was, which was obviously good, and turn it super psycho vegan, no fat, no excess cards, and you take your working out and turn it up like two notches higher where you're doing like thousands of reps, and you may be able to burn it off, but at what cost, Like that's not even realistic.

I work for a living, like I already work out a lot. So that is why, if you're listening, why Joseph was a great candidate and as a result, why I said, yes, Joseph, I can help you. So we did your surgery what fine months ago? Right? Yes, okay, so we did your surgery nine months ago and now you're nine months out. So why didn't you tell us what it is? How, what's how's it going? What happened? How did you feel initially? How awful did it look? How much did it hurt? All that good stuff.

Yeah, so right after the procedure, um, it was definitely it was burning. It was was uncomfortable, Yeah, it was uncomfortable. Life was suction hurts. I tell everybody, no's job.

No pain, breast reduction, no pain, life was suction hurst like health. Yeah, yeah, and uh and it was and it was swollen. I remember you telling me that it was going to be swollen for yeah, I don't know, somewhere around maybe up to up to six months, right, And so I but I didn't know what that like. I didn't know what that would look like.

I didn't know what that really meant, you know. And so you know, I'm looking at it in the mirror and I'm like, okay, well, I'm I can tell that, you know, I'm that I'm that the tour is improved, right, but I'm still a little I guess you could say swollen, yeah, blow up, blows or whenever you want it, right, And so I said, okay, well let's you know, wait and see. And then I would say probably around I see, maybe around three months, right, is when I felt like it really started to get to where it kind of where it is now, you know, normalized. And I was and there was a moment where I kind of looked in the mirror and I was like, oh, wow, this looks really good.

You know. I'm I'm like really happy with this, you know. And so yeah, I would say about you know, a three months and being swollen, and then you know, things started to get better. And then that's when I came from my postop appointment and I started going to the I started going to the gym again back in I think it was in January, so October November December januys, so about four months after my surgeries when I started going to gym again and I was back.

You know, I was doing everything that I was doing before, you know, as far as exercises go. Um, but it was I think the thing that I was most happy about. Um, you know you were you were good too. I think set my expectations right as far as you know, it's not gonna I'm not all of a sudden going to have, you know, a chiseled eight pack, you know, right out to the liposumption.

And I really I think that was one of the most important things, or have most helpful things that I really appreciated after there before and after the procedure was level saying the expectations. And you talk to me about this in my postop as well, about just getting me closer too. You know, you gave the analogy of running a marathon, you know, the twenty miles exactly just getting me closer to the end and then kind of running in the rest myself. And I want and what I say is that my job is to put you in a van, drive you.

In your instance, you were doing really well, So let's take you to mile eighteen, kick you out of the van, and then force you to run the rest of the marathon on your own. Right. I'm not going to take you all the way through the whole marathon, but I sure as hell can get you much closer. And if you do which you have and you were do your part, you should get a significantly improved outcome.

Then you were where you started, no questions asked. And you're a testament to that, right because I saw you in your post opt and you look fantastic. You look like you did before without the tire. So again I don't take I can't take ownership of that.

You were already in good jay, but I kind of kicked you over the edge, so to speak, and got you there. And that's really really important. Now to answer your question, I could at you a six pack. I'd have to use what's called high high definition liposuction or individuals who do it.

It's VASER. It's ultrasound, we get really close to skin, we burn up this fat, we get it almost all gone. All there is a skin that attaches. It's a really aggressive liposuction.

And again that's for that individual and that doctor and that patient. That is not my preference or the type of life perstruction I to do. My life perstruction patient is you. You're the candidate that I do when I do it, because I know no questions asked that if I do in someone like you what I know to do, you will be a home run.

And one thing about me personally is I don't like a second base result. You might be happy you're better than where you started, but to me, that's not I didn't do you justice. So that's a personal thing. I only want home runs, and you're the home run pitch.

If you get a good pitch, you can clear the fence. So now that you're out and about this, there was some numbness, I'm sure initially in that kind of resolved. You're about nine months out, and do you have any sequel? I would? I mean you, as anyone who knows you, if you take off your shirt and you're at the swimming pool or the first of all, I'm assuming you liked. I mean you're confident now right better? Yeah? Absolutely, I mean it's now because like I said, you know, there's definitely there's definitely the rest of the marathon, and I think you know, I still have to run myself that I'm still trying to do on my own.

But for me, it's primarily standing up now with my shirt off, you can't really tell that I was that I am, or was any have any fat there or whatever. And I'm really happy about that because you can see, like you said, you can see the definition whatever. It's just more so when I'm sitting down, you know, everybody, which by the way, my son is eighteen months when he sits down, he's got a fat roll at the bit of them. That's because you have redundancy for sitting you know.

If you look at like, I don't know, a triathlete and they sit down, they won't have a fat roll, to have a thin roll. But everybody has a role when they sit down, by the way, because when you stand up, you have to have the excess to accommodate the standing. Just as an FYI. Yeah, So so I'm happy that you're happy at the end of the day, all of this nonsense about what I need or not is irrelevant.

But for me to make you happy, I need to make sure that we navigate it well. I think you've done an amazing job of hitting the key points about candidacy, idealness, why we picked you, why we did it. We're gonna take a quick break and we're gonna come back. We're going to talk about the second issue that I had.

Second issue I had is why are we not having more conversations with men? What is the stigma? What is the taboo? How did you feel going about it? Did you get support? Did you stay quiet? We're going to dive in a little bit to the psychology of male plastic surgery. All right, guys, stay tuned. We'll be right back with plastic surgery and censor. All right, welcome to the second half of plastic Surgery and Censor.

Joseph and I are having a deep dive on liposuction in a man. So we discussed the liposuction, which we did quite eloquently, and now we're going to dive into the concepts. So Joseph, you decide you want to do liepersuction because you've done whatever you can. You go online, you start doing homework and you see a preponderance and overwhelming a sea of women, women results, women reviews, women, women, women chat groups, women women women.

What is it about the fact that, why is it do you think that there are so few men or did you experience let me back up, maybe I'm being presumptive. Did you notice what I think I notice, which is there is a deficiency and male presence in the aesthetic world. Well, when I when I googled it, I googled liposuction for men, and so I was looking at pictures mostly of men of you know, abs and stomach area stuff like that. And so I think maybe because I was looking for it, I did see, you know, a decent amount of that, and I was pretty happy with what I saw.

Now, I am aware that, particularly when I went to your website and just started like going to actual classic surgeon's websites, that most of the testimonials and most of the pictures and results are our women. But I think some reason that didn't really like it, didn't deter me or anything like that, because in my mind I was like, well, if if, if this doctor can do this on a woman, and well, then I'm sure they can do it on me, no problem. So I wasn't really too concerned about. Um.

Oh, I don't think men get this a lot, so I you know, I'm nervous about that. I think more so what I was concerned about was I mean, you kind of mentioned that about just like I guess, the stigma of people in my life, my present life. You know, who knew that you were having this done? Who did you tell before my roommate? Um? Did your family know? No? I didn't say anything. Um did your friends know other than your roommate? Maybe one other friend? Okay? And then afterwards did you tell anybody? Hey, by the way, Hey, we haven't seen you in a while, Joseph, what did you do? Oh? By the way, anybody knew you? Did you tell your parents after the fact? No? No, So so I will tell you having done this much more than you have.

That's unique to men. Women share more. Women tell their girlfriends, of course, given that they have caddy this Sometimes you have caddy friends and you don't tell them, but certainly they'll tell more people than men do, and men tend to be more like I don't know, I just didn't tell anybody. It wasn't really all that which is.

Obviously, men and women are different in so many ways, and it is common that way. But then when you go to ask people sometimes like, for example, it's not uncommon for women to have to want to get breast augmentation and to have several conversations with several girlfriends who have had breast augmentation. Hey, how is it for you? Oh it wasn't so good. I don't feel so good.

Oh it's amazing. I love it. Oh, your doctor's going to tell you this. Right, you want to buy a tesla? You call a few friends who have tesla's.

But in your instance, and it's not uncommon, men don't generally talk to other men. Hey, you have live persuction? Did you anybody? Hey, any of you guys have live persuction? By the way, it's just a secret and no one tells anybody. Why do you think that is? Why do you think you just didn't bother tell anybody. Well, you know, a part of what I was hoping was that I would get the procedure and then I would just go back into my daily life as it would, and nobody would know.

They would just it would be like, oh, wow, you've just been going to the gym, which I was, it's not like, you know, I thought like I was trying to trick anybody or anything. But it's just like, oh, you've been going to the gym and now you're you're fit. Great, you know because I know that there. I remember actually bringing up with my personal trainer before I got the procedure, and I mean, he's a personal trainer, so of course he's gonna say this, but you know he's gonna say no, no, no, you don't need all that.

That's doing too much. That's great, you know, just just you know, just exercise. We'll just will tweak your diet and this and that. And I was like, man, I've been doing this training for nine months, right, you know it's off plateaued.

Yeah, exactly. So um yeah, I mean there's just that that concept of oh, well, other men can get in shape by exercise, so why don't you do that? But you do understand the reason you can't. We are all not created equally. There's a reason.

No matter how much I practice, I will not be able to dunk a ball. No matter how much I practice, I will not be able to jump over hurdle. And no matter how much you exercise and diet, your physiology, your physique will plateau. And there are other individuals My wife happens to be one of them who genetically are blessed when it comes to for example, they're six pack.

My son right now in eighteen months is ripped because she got more of his genetic thank God, than mine. So yes, I don't think that's true. And I think that if you're a trainer, you're biased because you obviously have the gift, like you're genetically the one who can dunk a ball and it's awesome, and you absolutely need to maximize your physical full potential, but you will plateau. That's the time that you reach out for assistance.

Once you've given it, you're all and you're like, fuck, I've done everything I can. I just there's nothing more I can do it. I don't want to stay here like I don't. I just don't.

I want to look better. So I think that you know, I commend you, because lots of men want to do their procedure keep on going. When I let's say I do rhinoplasts on men, they are the number one patients who say you can use my photos because they just want to just keep it private. Keep on going.

Which I get, I understand, I respect that, and here you are exactly like that. I didn't tell my folks, didn't tell my friends. I don't really care. No one needs to know.

It's not a big deal. Let me do it, move on. But yet you're here on the show, which means kudos to you, because I assure you it is great value to know that what other guys are experiencing is normal. And some people don't need anyone to know anything, and some people need some support.

Right, someone's got to take care of you. Someone's got to make sure you're okay. What if a complication occurs, what if something terrible happened to you? No one knew what happened to you. I mean, granted, you didn't go to Nicaragua to get this done.

It's not like you ended up. You're going to be metavac for someplace in the andies. But you know, still a procedure, and it's gotten nice for other people. I don't.

Maybe I'm a baby. I get a colonoscope and I want my wife and my mamily. You know, maybe I'm just needy, but you know, so I commend you because you could have just kept on marching. But we know we reached out to you because again we don't have as many males, and we like to highlight male patients as well as female patients because we want to understand that this is an even playing field.

Those days of shame on you are gone, Those days that this is only for women are gone, Those days of this is for rich people are gone. And there's really no shame in this. And if anything, of all the patients, you should be the most proud because you maximize your dial more than most patient. Even due right, you didn't show up at you know, five foot eight to twenty and be like yo, I want to just pay for this thing.

You did your part and then you got a little boost and now you're where you wanted to be and you own it as you had said. Um, So I'm want to do a little quick, quick synopsis because I think every time I talk about lipersuction, I'd be remiss not to talk about it. So do you what what do you remember from hearing or speaking to me? What my list of litany of risks were? What were you What did I tell you you need to be careful of? What is liposuction gonna? What risks comes with li perstruction. I know you were really uh, you really were kind of hammering home the loose skin aspect correvit.

Loose skin is one big one you were talking about irregularities. The second one rippling rippling irregularities, dance, divid's contour, you know, anywhere from small ripple two big old dents like whoa, what happened there? Those as one category and the other is some version of loose skin. And so it's safe to assume that neither of those things happened to you. Oh well, we could be really in trouble having you on.

But they're big and they happen a lot, not like other complications we do. Like let's say you're doing a breastlift, what's the risk that your nipple can die? Less than three percent? That's quite small in liposuction, loose skin an irregularities, I would argue, can't say there's a study that showed I tell you it's well about fifty percent. That's significant for a procedure. So I don't know.

I've gotten a lot of flak because every time I post this, I get all these haters. But nonetheless, for every one hater, I get like fifteen people going right, on I had that happened to me, or that happened to my girlfriend, or that happened to my dad or whoever. So I think it's just always good to highlight why we're so why I'm so anti live boats because I just don't want you to have a bunch of loose skin and a host boatload of rippling, because the loose skin then requires excision. I've done a bunch of tummy tucks in patients who've never had kids, who've never lost weight from just s lie posuction, and otherwise a damage the loose skin created from live persuction required a tummy tuck.

That's crazy. And then the irregularities and divots and contraregularities and all that rippling almost no solution for it. Essentially, it is what it is. You own it and you go live with it.

So they're very very big when they occur, and they occur often, all right, So any exiting words of wisdom for patients who are considering a live persuction, since now you're an expert, right, this certain journey makes you an expert. You can have your own show now, anything that you think was salient or eye opening or just parting words for those individuals contemplating a life. I would say that one of the things that I was happiest about that I can feel, I feel confident knowing that I tried everything that I could beforehand, you know. And so I would say, you know, for anybody considering it, make sure that you're already exercising, you know, three to five days a week, and make sure that you're already have your diet kind of under control, because I think that that, you know, when you set set those realistic expectations for me, it, you know, it really helped, you know, knowing that it wasn't just going to be where I'm not exercising at all and I'm eating jung food and then all of a sudden, I'm going to come out looking like you know, I don't know, you know, Will Smith, you know, or something like that, you know, when he's well, when he's younger.

But um, you know. So I would say, just to anybody considering it, make sure that you're already doing everything that you can, and that this is kind of like you said, just like the last piece to the uzzle well said, and I think that's very true and very apropos and you were exactly that and Therefore, you were as I refer to, the ideal candidate, and as a result, the ideal candidate with the right surgery should lead to in ideal outcome. All right, well, Joseph, As always, I am so grateful for anyone who's willing to come and put themselves out there and participate, because it is through you that we can disseminate this information for all of you, all of those you listening. All right, do you know what I usually do it end of every show, I start begging, all right, Number one, if you like the show, go write something nice.

We don't live in a vacuum. We live in the world of writing negative things about people. That's all we like to do now is bitch and complain in America. So if you like the show, please go write something lovely.

Furthermore, if you found it to be useful, you never know who you love may decide to do something and you'll wish they have had the information. So share the podcast disseminated, share it with the people you care about and you love, and we will be grateful until then, Till next week, whatever topic wherever we are signing off as your host, Doctor Rady Rahban on Plastic Surgery Uncensored.

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