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In this enlightening episode of Plastic Surgery Uncensored, Dr. Rady Rahban and his guest Jasmine delve into the complexities of revision breast surgery. Having undergone a breast augmentation in her twenties, Jasmine revisits the operating table 20 years later for a revision procedure. This episode unpacks the nuances of Jasmine's journey from her initial augmentation through the decision-making process for her revision, highlighting the physical changes after childbirth and her evolving aesthetic preferences. Tune in as they discuss the critical factors in selecting a surgeon for revision surgery, the significance of a patient-doctor relationship, and the meticulous planning and realistic expectations required for a successful outcome.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Revision Surgery Complexity: Jasmine's narrative underscores the complexity of revision surgeries, especially after significant life events like childbirth that alter the body's landscape.

  2. Surgeon Selection is Critical: The choice of surgeon for a revision procedure is even more critical than for a first surgery. Factors such as the surgeon's understanding of the patient's specific needs and the surgical challenges posed by changes in the body are paramount.

  3. Realistic Expectations: Setting realistic expectations and having a clear understanding of potential outcomes and risks are crucial, particularly in revision cases where the stakes and complexities are higher.

  4. Importance of Patient-Doctor Relationship: A strong patient-doctor relationship based on trust, clear communication, and mutual respect is essential for navigating the complexities of revision breast surgery.

This episode provides valuable insights for anyone considering revision surgery, emphasizing the importance of thorough research, setting realistic expectations, and choosing a surgeon with whom they feel a strong professional connection.


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DR RADY: Welcome to another episode of Plastic Surgery, Uncensored. I'm your host, Doctor Rady Rahban. And we have a fantastic episode for you. It's fantastic because we're gonna be talking about revision surgery, which we've talked about before.

We're gonna be talking about revision breast surgery, which we've talked about before. But we have a very special guest. All the guests are special, but Jasmine is exceptionally special because our experience together has taken not a different approach but maybe not as traditional approaches that I always have with my patients. So remember at the end of the day when I, a person meets a patient, a person, there's an interpersonal relationship no different than your hairdresser or whoever.

And because of the nature of surgery being so stressful and high, risk that relationship can often be, under unnecessary strain or different and it will develop sometimes it goes south and most times, hopefully it goes well. So I thought it would be, great to have Jasmine on. We're grateful to have you. We'll, I'll have you, chime in a second because, you, you, a lawyer, a professional and you have a, a different perspective, you had interviewed a lot of people.

So I thought you being on the show would be very, very helpful because we don't want to have the same stories constantly. We wanna have the variety that really occurs. So, welcome to the show. Thank you for coming on.

You and I were chatting before about your journey. So just briefly tell me what you had and then where you ended up, meaning OK, I had X done and then I realized I had kids and this is where I ended up. And the process you went through, which was a very thorough process, which is the process I would hope that all patients go through, which is I crossed my Ts and dotted my, I's some people two times, but definitely at least once. And this is the conclusion I came to.

So go ahead and tell me your basic journey. JASMINE: So brief history that you're aware of is I had my breasts done a breast dog at a young age in my twenties. I'm now 45 served me well for many years. However, I have two children.

I have a 13 year old and a 10 year old. I breastfed both of those children for quite some time. And you know, it's sometimes pass and I was warned early on by the surgeon that did the first procedure that hey, listen, this is gonna be no different than, you know, the natural process that one would go through if you, you know, don't wear a bra or if you breastfeed and whatnot. So with time, I felt like I needed to clean up a bit.

Also now in my forties, like my vision of what I want my body to look like is different. I'm pretty athletic. You know, and I wanted just, I wanted to clean up so to speak. But your priorities change in your forties, especially after children, everything changes.

I've always been a very adventurous person. I hate indecisiveness so I want to make decisions very quickly. I don't, I don't sit on things. I just, you know, I will do my due diligence.

I will do my research, I'm quick to act. But after children, when it comes to health and well being, it's different because it's not just me now, right? I'm responsible for these other beings. And so I have to take extra great care of myself so that I can be present for that. So approaching this procedure was different than the first one.

The first one was, hey, we know who the guy is that. You know, everyone goes to the prominent surgeon. And I just consulted with him and he did it and he did his job. But this time I was like, look, the stakes are different.

This is gonna be a little bit more complicated because I was looking to reduce size you know, I'm still young and I didn't wanna have horrific scars. I know I don't have the greatest skin as you know, and we've discussed, I have very thin skin that's not very forgiving. So I definitely wanted to make sure that the person I chose was going to basically rise to the challenge of, you know, reducing and, and working with my skin and making sure that it wasn't gonna hold me back in life. DR RADY: So, so I'm gonna add chime in a little bit just because I'm gonna kind of explain to listeners.

So you had like millions of women. You're a young girl, you have a breast dog, totally straightforward surgery goes great. And then as time goes on, two things have happened, one is that your body has changed either by age because Asia plays a role and two by breastfeeding and 90% of women develop some type of s a, there's a sort of descent that occurs. And the other is that what your favorite music when you were 20 is not necessarily your favorite music at 40.

And it is very common for women to downsize irrespective of this current craze of ex planting a normal trajectory is when I was 20. This was my lifestyle, this was my body and now at 40 mom and I'm at soccer and you happen to be an attorney. It's just not conducive anymore. I don't like pink hair.

I want normal blonde hair. So people downside the combination of sagging and downsizing is a difficult issue to correct and we'll elaborate what we end up doing. But in your instance, in particular, you just were very thin in terms of the amount of breast tissue you have, which added a little level of complexity. So fantastic.

You're like, all right, stakes are higher. I got a kids first time. I was just like, I got it. Now I'm gonna do some due deo.

So what did you do? JASMINE: So I consulted with three different surgeons, just well known people, obviously through friends, I have a lot of friends that are physicians. So these were like the top three candidates. I'm being honest, I, I knew of you, you know, obviously through the community. You were not part of that list just because I had a lot of assumptions about the type of person you would be.

And I thought, you know, that's, that's not who I'm looking for. So I consulted with the three that I did and I chose one, someone who's been around a long time. I've seen his work. So and the reason I chose him is well, one because of obviously having seen his work on others.

DR RADY: You had, you had some basis to go by. JASMINE: And he was super positive. I mean, we went in, it was like his, his attitude was like, yeah, like no worries. It's like a Tuesday for me, like you're gonna look fantastic.

Everything is gonna be great. You know what, going into his office and he has a very busy practice. I I walked right in, saw him, he came in, he was just super personable, sweet, charming. And just made me feel like great.

This is your looks fantastic and that was that you. DR RADY: Like the fact that you had a point of reference, people that you knew actually had surgery. And secondly, you liked his personality and bedside, which is super important that you have a connection with him. Great.

Awesome, perfect. JASMINE: So I thought this is the total package. But also, you know, I knew that the work that I'd seen was going to be different than what was going to come into play with my procedure. DR RADY: So it's like comparing an apple to a watermelon is not always necessarily the e the right thing to do because I think your case as we had discussed together.

I, to me it's another Tuesday, but you're not Tuesday, I'm not Friday. It's a different day than the traditional. Hey, I had two kids, millions of women have had two kids and breastfed and have sagging. So, so good.

So you're like, all right, I thought maybe mine was a little different, right? JASMINE: So fast forward. You and I have a mutual friend and I was speaking with him and, you know, telling him that this procedure was coming up and he said Jazz, you know, and him and I have been involved, you know, in construction this and that and he knows he goes, you know, just the same way you treat your construction deals, you know, you get several different bids. You should really do your, do, you should see Roddy for your situation and, like. DR RADY: Do you know who that is? I've seen three people, like I've done my duty.

JASMINE: And if I can be candid about what I said to him, you know, which, so I go, I know who you're talking about. I'm like, nah, and so here was my impression, right? Is not knowing you at all. We never met, never met, didn't have any mutual friends aside from this particular friend who we've never discussed you. But just like looking at the, I looked at him, I go God, this guy looks like just, you know, like a charming Persian Andy Garcia.

He's gonna be like, right little that I know. So I thought, you know, it's just the typical, like, OK, started, you know, has his practice in Beverly Hills and it's just how talented is he's gonna probably write off of charm and looks and like the type of the Persian community. No, thanks. I need someone skilled, right? Who's gonna really deliver.

But after he said that and he and I respect him tremendously. Yeah. DR RADY: He's a very, and our mutual friend with all fairness. He's a very solid individual.

He's not a very, he's a very respectable person and it's somebody that, that I think that is a good, good sound board. JASMINE: Right. So I thought, you know what I value his opinion. Let me make an appointment or worse.

DR RADY: It, it, it corroborates your pre predisposition as far as thinking. Got it. JASMINE: So then enter my consultation with your office. So, as you mentioned, I am, I am an attorney.

I run my own practice. I'm very blessed to be very busy. I'm in Calabasas, you're here. So just even coming out to see you.

DR RADY: I take the iron curtain of the 405. JASMINE: That is correct. So I come in and it's a busy practice. There is a wait time.

I remember just growing impatient in the waiting room. DR RADY: I thought we remember that. JASMINE: Do you? DR RADY: Yes, we do because your impression of me. JASMINE: I'm really impressed by your, your, your, your elephant style memory.

Ok. So I was getting irritated. I'm like this is, this is egregious like it's, it's I gotta go like I'm and so I waited for you and you come in and well, we know your disposition is nothing like what I imagined. You came in just what's the best way to put your style.

You come in ready, right? You come in ready. DR RADY: Because you've been waiting, right? Remember from as, as you know, and I know every coin has two sides and the coin, your side is God, I've been waiting here forever. I've been in a room, what the f I hear all this noise outside, which we completely know. I mean, after 20 years I know and on the flip side, I'm running from room to room as you now know, I haven't probably eaten and as you well know, I'm trying to deliver, at least that's what I try to do.

The absolute most I can in every room, which takes a certain amount of time. And so when I come in, I don't want to waste any of your time because I know you're already pissed and I know that you're already agitated and I have to hit the ground running. I'm not going to come in. I definitely don't want to come and disrespect you by, by being, you know, by trying to sweet talk you and like, hey da da da, I really want to you, you've been waiting, let me tell you what I think.

So, go ahead, but that's why I wanted to. So, you know, the perspective from my end. JASMINE: So, you know, you straight shoot, you got right in there, you know, pleasantries aside, just dug right in and took a look. And, I would say you had a pretty negative disposition when it came to my right.

You just pointed out everything that was kind of wrong with the situation. You, you identified my type of skin immediately and all the risks which you can do that, you know, justice to explaining to the viewers. But you went in like, hey, this is, this is not a Tuesday, this is not, you know, this is a very complicated case because of your skin type and you knew that I wanted to come down, you know, and, and it's interesting because something that I've always said and the advice I give to others is, you know, there's a fine line between walking in and telling someone how to do their job versus doing your due diligence and educating yourself about the process of that person's job. So I always say you should never mindlessly throw yourself into someone's hands.

If you know whether it's going to be your CPA, your surgeon, your lawyer, you need to, you know, do your educate yourself about the. DR RADY: You know what you're asking and you can speak their language. JASMINE: That's right. So obviously I had done some research and thought, you know, this is kind of the style list that I want.

These are the CCS that I want, et cetera. You were not having that right? You, I'm not telling you and you made it like right off the top, you're like, like those options don't exist for you, right? And you started explaining about like if we're gonna do this, like you can give me an idea of what you're looking for. Sure we need to make sure that your expectations are realistic, but how we get there is not your concern and I'm not used to that. Right.

So I like to be involved in the process and I was kind of surprised that I was gonna have no say in the CCS and whatnot. And I also remember like discussing and telling you look like I'm pretty athletic. I like to do a lot of things. I wanna make sure that, you know, if we're gonna change the type of implant I was really worried about, I had Saline implants before and we moved to silicon.

I was nervous about that. Again. I'm a mother of two kids, my kids come before my vanity or anything else. I'm not going to compromise my health for looks.

I will never do that. Nor should you. So the idea of putting silicone in which I, everybody wanted me to do that. But I thought, well, what's gonna happen if this thing ruptures? And I very distinctly, you know, you talk about remembering the exchanges between us.

I remember you taking the implant and chucking it against the wall. You're like, are you gonna take that kind of impact? And like I thought, well, that's one way of putting it, but it was a great demonstration. You're like, this is not going to with what you're describing, like, and you started explaining it to me and what not to make sure that I understood it was comfortable and I appreciated that, but that was it? Right. And I'll let you kind of obviously get into discussing and doing justice to the situation at hand, but you explained all the risks, you explained, you know, and the worst fears.

Right. Again, as a mother of two kids, I wanted to make sure that my health wasn't gonna be compromised and you're like, totally your health. It made me compromised in XYZ way, you know. So it's interesting leaving the appointment.

I thought, wow, I mean, it was like, what might seem on the surface like a negative experience and then I got home and I processed everything. And I was talking to my husband and I said, you know, this is interesting and I kind of explained that the, the stark contrast between my experience with the one that I had chosen and you. And I said to him, but you know what I feel like this is the guy that's gonna do it right? Like I trust him, I just feel like, you know, it's not, I didn't walk out feeling great and, and obviously, if we're being really candid even like price point, huge difference, you know, everything. It was like, let's go in and tell you how this could all fall apart.

I'm, you can't tell me what to do. I'm gonna charge more all those things. I mean, everything was a huge contrast and I just went, this is the guy like I just know that if I'm gonna get the best results and I'm at the point of my life, listen, I've worked my butt off to get to where I am. So I'm blessed to be in a position to say I want the best.

I want the best that I can be. Of course. So who's going to deliver that? I, I just, I just saw one of my bones. It's going to be an interesting experience between him and I, and it's been interesting and here we are.

But I think he's the one who's going to deliver. DR RADY: And you had already, you were already set on a date, right? JASMINE: You had a date I did with the other, with the other surgeon and then it all fell apart after our our consultation. I said this, I'm just changing direction and I'm gonna put myself in your hands. DR RADY: Which has been a pleasure because because while our journey has been a, I would say more like sister, brother kind of things, two very sort of driven people.

I don't wanna say butting heads but r rubbing elbows along the way. Because at the end of the day, one thing is for sure, my style is my style. I think you've mentioned that on many occasions that when you, when you come to the office, you're expecting at some juncture, you're, it's the veil will come off because when it comes to taking care of you and or any of the patients, I'm always on. It's not an act, it's not me trying to be a certain persona.

I think of the care that I deliver with such a level of reverence and so much shit can go wrong that you don't know. Imagine the amount of alertness and imagine you are taking your kids through a very difficult passage where it's raining. There's thunder, there's a hurricane. You're driving through water and snow.

It's a small little passageway you're driving, your kids are in the backseat screaming mommy. Look at how cool and they're having fun. They're completely oblivious and all you're doing is processing how the fuck do I get from this side to the other side? I could get struck by lightning. The win and your kids are like mommy, mommy, you're like you turn in the mirror.

You go hi guys, guys, everything. That's great. Wonderful. Oh Mommy loves you.

Lovely now and then you go back and they're thinking why is mom being such a bitch? But all the while you are trying to be a good mom, but all the while you're really trying to protect them, my job is to get you from A to B in places where I feel patients need to be involved and their input is of value. I allow it. It's your body, it's your journey and in places where their input is useless and or detrimental, they don't have a say if they want to have a say no problem. I'm not the guy for them because at the end of the day and it's not arrogance.

It's, it's, it's experience and I knew when I examined you that, hey, this is not an every other day, Tuesday. And unlike many people, I didn't just say it is, take my word for it because that's what happened to my wife when she went to get spine surgery, her spine surgery experience and she's had six was exactly like yours. We picked the most charming guy here. She is six spine surgeries.

Later. The guys that came to fix it were assholes. Two of them made her cry and you know why? Because they were dicks and they didn't say so why? So if I'm gonna be a dick and I mean that in quotations, I'm gonna explain to you every goddamn reason. You may not like it.

But I hope that when you walk out you go. Ok. Ok. I, I mean, I get it.

I'm, I'm a bright person. He explained it in a way I get it. I may not, I may not like it, but it makes sense. So you came in, you had had this previous surgery because of the nature of your skin and the size of this that the other and I drew it out for you and my concern was the survival of certain things and enough blood supply.

I told you what I took could happen and I explained to you that you have limitations. Like I can't just shrink your breast to a cute little bee because you have a certain space and the dynamics and what I try to do is be direct, be transparent and educate you. But I am stressed as I'm talking to you because I'm thinking in my mind here's a very high end person, friend, referral, difficult person already irritated because she's waited an hour with a super complicated case that she's unaware of. That's the worst kind.

The best kind of the patient comes in and is like, hey, my, my, my tummy tucks fucked up. I'm worried. Can you help me? That person at least is prepared for the worst case scenario. The kids in the back, jumping up and down, not realizing that we're about to get knocked off the road is my worst concern.

And no, no discredit to you. That's what you were told. You're like, it's another day Tuesday. So I am as I'm explaining to you, I am fucking stressed and I'm not even wanting to do this surgery because there's no good deed goes unpunished.

And at the end, if I don't deliver, you'll be unhappy, even though you're a very reasonable person, you're educated, but you'll still be devastated. And so all that information that I'm sharing with you, I'm processing. So every individual is reacting to the person in the situation and the reason and you've mentioned it on many occasions and I always comment about it in a kind of a, in a sweet way. It's like, when do you smile? When do you? And I'm, if I'm a, if, if I'm on the job, quote unquote, if I'm a firefighter, a police officer, a fighter jet pilot there, like a handful of jobs.

There's no smiling and I mean, that tongue in cheek, of course, I joke and I have fun and I'm whatever, but I'm very about business because it's their well being removing a mole. I swear on my two children, I'm stressed about removing a mole. Why? Because I'm worried that what if it hisses and they get hypertrophic scar on their cheek? It, it's just a goddamn mole. Dermatologists are knocking them off like 12 at a time.

Yeah, but they don't give a shit. So I am always a little tense because I'm always in a cage with a lion. And while I know that lion since it was a cub, meaning I'm experienced, it can still rip your head off because it's a lion and I have that reverence and that intensity and that focus all the time because not only did I do that for you, but I did that 10 times that day. So the time to relax is on Sunday when I'm with my kid and I'm taking to a car meet.

If you and I hung out outside of the office, I'll be funny and charismatic, but I'm not gonna be that way at the office. Not because I'm trying to put on a show on Mr Business. It's because I'm actually stressed internally. I'm all wound up inside my head.

So that is the reason why I'm constantly now don't get me wrong. There are other surgeons that can be just as high quality and they do it with a certain different grace, no problem. And as a result and you experienced it, doctor selection has a lot to do with that feeling. And sometimes the feeling is one of like the first guy I went on a date with, he was super charming.

He turned out to be a sociopath, the charming one, the one that I end up marrying was a little begrudge. But later I realized that person was solid and that story has been echoed hundreds of times amongst people who they dated like I went out with this girl. She was such a bitch at first, but she turned out to be solid and she got my back for 40 years. So at any rate, I found it very interesting because your experience and my experience together wasn't the initial sort of everybody if you read the reviews or like he's pretty intense, he's pretty direct.

But yours was a little bit of a more stark contrast. And I think you had and you came in super educated and ready to book with someone else that let's say was orange. And I'm blue. Yeah, it was so black and white as you had said.

So it was so like, but what I admire is that you didn't allow your initial predisposition, which clearly you knew was not justified because it was based on just what you thought. Two you didn't let, oh, I already picked this guy. I'm committed. It's embarrassing.

What am I gonna say? Because you see these people, right. That's a big to do. You're like, like, wow, God, I'm gonna run into their wives and I just canceled. You didn't let that get in the way.

And you, you, you really sort of allowed the truth to surface and you went with it and I think that's speaks volumes, for you as well because it allowed you, you really went for what you felt was the best based on the information you had access to. So we're gonna take a quick break and then we'll come back and we'll talk about the aftermath. Just. How did you heal? How did everything go? Did the nipple die? Like the things that we were worried about? Obviously you're here so you can just extrapolate things went well.

And yeah, let's take a quick break. We'll be right back with the second half of Plastic Surgery, uncensored. All right. Welcome back to the second half of Plastic Surgery and sensor Jasmine and I are sparring.

We got our gloves on. Now, we're gonna take our gloves off. We've come a long way. And actually you're one of my favorite guests to have because you, you usually want to have people generally on a show or something you wanna have, like think people that are going with the grain, right? You get to pick whatever the hell you want.

But I like that. You and I started opposite grain and now we're, you know, two peas in a pod, so to speak. Because philosophically, you and I are very much the same, right? We're professionals, we're intense, we're all about it. We're very direct.

Some people don't like that. People who don't know, you probably are like, oh Jasmine's such a bitch. Oh people who don't know me or like, oh, he's such an arrogant whatever, which is fine. That's been my own interpersonal battle for years because whenever they meet me like, oh wow, you're much more lovely than I had anticipated.

Still intense but lovely. So nonetheless, I'm, I'm, I'm grateful that we have gotten to this journey. And part of why we're here is because obviously had we done all of this conversation, you had a catastrophic outcome while it would have been ok. In that we talked about it, it wouldn't have been ok because you're a 42 year old, pretty girl who's married with two kids and have an active lifestyle and it was, we, we had to hit the Mark.

And so I'm grateful that we hit the Mark and arguably even better than I had antici anticipated im famous for under promising and over delivering. I actually want to disappoint you to the point that I don't have extra burden of your expectation. Sally will go in. How did it go? Well? And most patients are a little like, well, it was good.

It was very informative but it didn't, they don't feel sold, right? And I go out of my way not to sell you because I don't want you to ever come back and be like you told me that will be the end of me. That II I can't explain that if I, if you ever come back to me and I misled you to do something. And as a result, you had a bad outcome. I would quit working.

That's how I'm very much like that. So I go, I wanna have, I want you to decide on your very own. So you did the surgery. JASMINE: And so I've been taking notes as you've been speaking and I just want to clarify that you never did say mommy loves you.

You never turned around and said mommy loves you to me. Not until later. So the whole process, right? DR RADY: But the whole process was like that was my mommy loves you for you because I tempted there was no mommy loves. It was my, it was my version of holding what I do with Max is different than what I do with Sophia based on each child's temperament.

So believe me, that is the softest I could be without letting too much off the leash because I needed you to get to your destination. JASMINE: Right. Fair enough. So the thing about me is I'm a realist, right? I'm not that person that's gonna take a picture of J Lo and, and go and say, hey, do this for me or you know, I believe that you have what you have and it's the best you can do with what you have.

That's the goal, right? It's not about showing pictures. Like my first experience was very much like show me a picture of what you want. And then I take that picture and I put it in the operating room and I'm going to deliver that picture. I mean, it was literally that and this was nothing like that.

And so, you know, when you explained everything to me, it's not that I like enjoyed, right? I mean, it wasn't like a lovely process going through that consultation, but I, you did such a great job at explaining it. So you, you built the credit with me, right? DR RADY: You're like this and you're like, OK, this makes sense. Yes, in one is two. JASMINE: I get it.

It did. And so once, once we decide we're gonna do something, right? Because it's a partnership. I tell my clients in my office the same thing, like we're partners, I'm driving the car, but we have to be on the same page. I will not take a case and we're so similar.

Like I think I'm a little bit more charming than you. But, but, but where I am but, but we're similar. So for me it's not about the money. I know I'm gonna get paid with certain cases no matter what.

And even if I give the disclaimers satisfaction. Right. I need that. If I'm gonna take time away from my family again, I'm a mom of two kids.

I have a lot going on. If I'm gonna go out there and work to give to my clients, I care, I care about the I can't just be like, well, you can't please them all and you're like that too, it gets under your skin and we're still getting paid, right? And we're fine and we're not, but it doesn't, but it's not about that for us, right? As confident as we are, right? It's important. We need that. We need to feel like.

DR RADY: I, but that's what fills your tank 100%. I could make money 100 percent, 100%. JASMINE: I get some. DR RADY: That's right.

JASMINE: And so, you know, once I decide like, ok, we're, we're gonna do this, we're together and I did the same thing. It's under promise and over deliberate. I didn't think that was gonna happen in our case, right? I said, OK, we're gonna do this and I'm gonna listen to everything you tell me, I listen to everything you tell me because, and that's the attorney. It's like, I'm not gonna leave this little loophole where it's like, oh, well, the result isn't exactly what you wanted because you didn't go into the, you know.

That's right. I'm not leaving any loophole. I'm gonna follow to A T, right, everything you say. And that's what I did.

And I will say in all honesty, the results exceeded my expectations. By far. By far, I spent a long time looking at, after pictures from various surgeons just all over of this type of procedure. I did not think it was possible what you delivered.

I mean, I really didn't. You warned me about the possibility anyone who's watched like botched and stuff like that, you know, there's that warning of like the nipple dying and then they bring in the leeches and all this kind of which we thank God that we didn't get any of that. You know, so that was a concern. I was fearful as well.

Right? So the opposite ended up happening for me, right? It was the complete opposite. It's like, not only did it not die, I felt like, and I think I told you during the post op, I'm like, I'm so like they're so awake and it's so like even more sensitive than it was before because after the first procedure, there was a little bit of loss of sensitivity and I feel like, I don't know, somehow you're the doctor and you can explain like how it is that it was the complete opposite, right? I remember the point taking off my shirt, my mom was over. My mom has to analyze everything. You know, the typical Persian mom got commentary for days and my mom, if you think, you think I'm difficult.

My mom, I mean, it's like the cup is, you know, it is maybe 1/4 maybe at best. That's very typical. Right? Is I'm gonna point out what's wrong in the most rosiest situation. My mom will find the thing that's off and that's the first thing she's gonna discuss.

So she's always the best judge because she'll never sugar coat. She doesn't care about your feelings, never will. And I took off my shirt. She goes, oh my God, it looks like a painting and I, you know, it's like, and that was it because she does not sugar coat.

She salts, you know, and she goes, it's a painting. I mean, honestly, your breasts look like a painting. And II I couldn't believe it. I mean, even the, the line coming down, you can't even see it.

You can't, I mean, it's like that was my biggest fear is like a straight line from the nipples. Am I gonna hop this like red line in the middle of my breast undetectable? So, of course, at that point, I now felt like, you know, all of that and I knew it like everything that I went through with the process, even after the surgery. And let's talk about the staff really quickly. So let's talk about the staff.

You go into a lot of these, you know, high end surgeons and you walk in. Hi love. Like, you know, do you, you know, you want some champagne. We got type a Sally who is junior.

DR RADY: She has been working with me for 18 years. JASMINE: Sally and I are both type. I love Sally and we will. If we were to go and compete, head to head, we'd probably kill each other and I love her so much.

Her disposition is not. She's a shot collar as well. Everyone in this office is a shot caller from the nurses. Everyone is a type a they are in it.

They care, they're not there for the paycheck, they're not there to offer you champagne and pay you false compliments. I feel like the whole team is just a bunch of type a personalities that are there to get the job done, which I appreciate tremendously. It's all for my benefit. DR RADY: Of course, we're here.

Everybody's bust their ass to make you happy. I mean, everybody. JASMINE: 100% and it all kind of came full circle and I made the right decision. Obviously, I'm extremely thrilled with the results.

It did exceed my expectations by far. So pat myself on the back. DR RADY: No, I always tell patients you should take ownership of this process because granted, I may have done the operation, but I can't go and get you, you know, as a, as a patient, the process of selecting the correct surgeon is incredibly overwhelming. My wife and I made that errand.

I'm a goddamn physician and we interviewed six spine surgeons and we still fucked it up. And I mean, and I don't mean that in a sense that necessarily they did a botched job. But definitely in hindsight, we, we, we didn't pick correctly and it's just difficult. And so for a patient to get to where they put themselves in a place to win, they deserve a pat on the back.

Like I have 22 year old girls that come here for a breast dog and they get their, they're done and they're happy and I go bravo because at 22 $2000 is an eternity of money and everyone is going to the left and you're like, oh, but that doesn't look right. I'm gonna go to the right. I go at 22. I commend you for having the fortitude to know what's right or wrong.

So every patient deserves credit just like you do because you know, you had to make choices. JASMINE: And that was the right one. And it's interesting because if I can share so like a little funny and I, I shared this with you the last time that I was in the office, I was getting my hair done and, my stylist is working on myself and another one of his clients, we're sitting next to each other and the conversation is going and I share everything with my hairstylist. So we're talking and I was wearing my surgical bra and I, and then the next, next door, she goes, who did yours? And I said, you know, it was you and she goes, he did mine and, same, you know, same sort of procedure and she showed them to me.

I mean, this is how, you know, we're there getting her hair done for a long time and she goes, she was, yeah. I went ahead and I got some, she was being impatient with the healing process. She was, he yelled at me. I, I went and got steroid injections into the scar and the minute she said, I'm laughing, I'm like, yeah, I haven't been yelled at but I'm pretty sure that would, that would take him there.

Right? And now hearing that right. It's like I, I know, I know why that would set you off. Like when she's like, he would yell at me and it's like because he's right. Right.

Like he cares, he cares. DR RADY: But you not yet. So if you tell your child hear me out, you tell your child, it doesn't mean you don't love them. You tell your child listen, do not stick that fork in that outlet.

Ok? Mom tames, you hear screaming and yelling and you go there and you're God forbid, God forbid your children's fingers are fried. You're gonna go, you're gonna be like, of course, naturally you're gonna take care of them. You're gonna hug him, you're gonna take him to but you're gonna be livid because this was preventable and just follow the goddamn you care. Yes, because I don't want something bad happening and I, and I promise I said just leave it alone now because people have done things.

I'm like you're going to get people to solicit you to do this and just leave it alone. I promise you give it 12 months. It will be spectacular. So yeah, of course, I I yell at I yelling is I am stern stiff and and and intense with my patients.

The same way you are with your children because you care about them. It's not ego iii I want the very all I want you to do is come and give me a hug and say to me, I'm so happy. Then I'm like check and then I can download that patient from my memory banks of anxiety and move into joy, right? Because my journey with you is done. I've Sherpa you to the top of the mountain and delivered you to your vista.

And when you say to me, holy shit, this is incredible. I can say but remember I have eight more people down at the bottom of the mountain. And the nature of what I chose to do is a constant stress of carrying people up the mountain, dropping them off, going back down, picking them up, take them up. So I have a moment of joy with you and then I gotta run back down because I got a few more people.

But you and I see each other at a party. Tequila shots and all around have a blast. But, I, I it's, it's, it's a very, I'm grateful for that opportunity. It's big, big responsibility and I manage it the way I know best could I be a little fuzzy or warmer around it? Maybe? But it's worked for me.

It's worked for me. JASMINE: I mean, listen, at the end of the day, I did tell you that you said you exceeded my expectations. I don't say that very often because I expect my biggest problem is I have very high expectations with everything, but. DR RADY: That meant a lot to me because for you to tell me that means a lot for me.

I will carry that as one of those badges that like boom. We took this to there. We did it together and not only didn't I manage your surgery, but I managed you. In other words, my actually concern with you and me was equally the concern that we would end up having, we would butt heads to a point that that would get in the way of our medical journey.

My concern was while I'm trying to manage your surgery, I was always conscious of how our interactions were because you are who you are and I am who I am and I don't come in going fuck you. I'm the doctor. Listen, I believe me, I am conscious of you versus Susie versus Jane because everyone's in ad there's people that come in there and they're, they need a kick in the ass to get going. And there's people that you have to be super sweet with.

There's people that you need to be stronger with the stronger the patient, the stronger I am. JASMINE: Oh You shouldn't blame me now. DR RADY: Yes. JASMINE: Ok.

DR RADY: So the stronger the patient, the stronger I am because I need to make sure the dynamic is in favor of you respecting the dialogue. I'm not that way when patients are like, OK, doctor whatever you say, there are people whose nature is that way. So I temper myself as you do with your clients within, within reason of who I am. If I have four shades, I picked different shades for different people.

JASMINE: So, so so fair enough. Fair enough. I mean for me also, I'm gonna check my ego at the door when someone has a credibility. DR RADY: But you did a good job and that's why I meant I said I was worried about our interpersonal interactions but you're here and I give that credit to you because you did defer right now, whether you deferred because you're like, well, I mean, of course, I deferred, you knew what you were doing.

That's fine. But you did do it. I have patients who don't, I have patients. JASMINE: I'm also gonna give you some credit.

Take it. Here it comes. So, so also at the same time, a lot of doctors have huge egos. So if someone comes in with a certain disposition, they're gonna be like, screw you like I don't need this.

But you gave me the respect of your time and being very thorough, you're very thorough with your explanations, even your demonstrations of chucking the implant against the wall as hard as you did to show me that if I played in a soccer game and someone ran into me, nothing was gonna happen. You took the time to do that. DR RADY: Because you're, because I knew that it was a way to, to getting to your, to get to you to be a pace of ha being a piece. Because at the end of the day, one thing I'm grateful for is the patients that come here tend to be very bright, very time.

Spent a lot of time doing homework and they're going to benefit from the explanation because at the end of the day knowledge, knowing makes you feel at peace right there. JASMINE: 100%. DR RADY: Oh, ok. That makes sense.

Now, I get it. Now. Now I understand why I can't pick any size Oh, now, I understand why we're worried about the necrosis. Oh, now I understand why I need to do hyperbaric.

It's all about understanding and when a patient understands, if you're willing to take just 20 more minutes and you have the ability to explain it, they'll be your best friend on the journey. They won't fight you, they won't resist. They'll say I get it. I understand.

I'm also worried about it. Now I get it. And so you have to enlist them 100. So whether it's because they don't have the time or they don't have the energy or they don't want to explain it.

I don't know what it is. But for me, it's a no brainer. Like that's the fun part. The fun part is to come in there, you know, X and by the time you're done you're like, 00, now I get it.

Ok. I'm on board. So fantastic. The greatest joy is that you're off and now you get to go the Bahamas and go play tennis and go live your life.

And I do agree that we did together exceed our expectations, right. So I always shoot for an A and every so often there will be an A plus that just sneaks in and definitely your result is an A plus unarguably, 100% 100%. JASMINE: I'm very thankful, you know, I'm a pretty private person and, I've turned down opportunities to be on podcast people try to convince me to do it for my and I, I don't so beyond telling you, you exceeded when Sally asked me, I'm like, due to our warm and loving relationship, I will rise to this occasion for you and let everyone know, like, I mean, you know, I would say, you know, being a great plastic surgeon, very few people will ever admit to it, especially in this industry, people walk around denying, you know, and everything. DR RADY: It's a shame because at the end of the day, while we all like anonymity and privacy, the ability to pay it forward is 10 times more powerful than the slight bit of ridiculous anonymity.

That one has that I think is just silly at the end of the day, you know, kudos for you and we're grateful for you. Coming on and spending time with us and importantly, sharing story and hopefully, you know, as a result, just like we've been doing, just keep paying it forward. So the next time I see you tequila shots and tell me mommy, mommy, I'm sorry, I'm gonna tell you for sure. All right guys that wraps up this fantastic episode.

As always two parting thoughts. One, if you love the show, share with people you care about, share it with your friends, share with, you don't know they're about to head off to Ecuador. You don't know that they're gonna go to a strip mall and have certain done so share the podcast so that they can start opening up their minds. And the second is if you enjoy the show, write something nice, go write a nice review.

A it makes everybody here feel good. We're all here on a Sunday and B it helps raise the rank of this podcast, hence getting it out to more people. And at the end of the day, that's the objective. So for now I sign off until next week, your host, Doctor Rady Rahban.

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